For those of you (few as you are) who have been wondering where i've been and what i've been up to...
I was searching for a new job. No one called me back. I've decided to go to college instead. I'm currently taking my GED (so i can get financial aid) and it has be SOOOOOO easy. I got 100% correct on my pre-pre-tests and only 1 question wrong on each of my five pre-tests. I've taken three of the GED tests (Writing, Science, Social Studies) so far and will take Math today. Literature + Arts is scheduled for next Monday. I knew that i'd be able to ace these tests but i didn't know they'd be this easy, it's insane. I'm not sure what classes i want to take yet, though i do want to take classes this summer and go Work Study for a job. APFD wants me to take a phlebotomy class but i'm not certain what i want to do yet.
Last week i got a "new" car, an '89 Nissan Sentra. Dad graciously bought it for me and traded me my '85 Chrysler Laser for it (thank you Dad!). Unfortunately i was in an accident yesterday. I was merging onto I-277 from I-77 and look to my right (to see if it's safe for me to merge) when the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of me stops (even though the lane is wide open for them to merge). When i look back (about 1-2 secs later, tops) i realize that the van in front of me has stopped and hit my brakes. BAM! My hood and headlights and radiator are pretty smashed but it should be fixable, the only question is how much it will cost. Anyways, no ticket, but i'm a bit sore, and understandably upset as i'd only been driving my car a week and was rather taken with it. ):
On the webpage front, no one posts at Christian Freaks so i'm going to delete the group as soon as i can get my photos onto my computer. Speaking of my computer, My Documents mysteriously disappeared, gone, poof! In other words i lost all the stories i was working on for my webpage and a lot of the designs i was intending to use in the future, etc., and am understandably upset. I don't know why i even try to have a webpage or blogs anymore, honestly i don't.
The NC Fellowship has had a couple of get togethers lately. I've only "attended" one (the Loch Norman Highland Games) and didn't actually see anyone at it. I had to leave early for a special orchestra practice so i probably shouldn't have gone anyway.
Orchestra assessments are coming up and i don't know which/can't find a piece to play. I wanted to play Shepherd's Hey (i loved playing it in high school) but can't find any sheet music for it.
None of my friends have been e-mailing me. The Romans Bible study finally started up again and i can't access the questions here because this computer doesn't have Microsoft Word. I missed yesterday's get-together because of the car accident.
Allergies have been bad, insomnia has developed since the Daylight Savings change (i can't fall asleep til at least midnight once again, let's hope it doesn't get worse), i've gained five pounds since i started going to the gym, and i don't think i'm going to be able to attend any of the upcoming events for my Sunday School class because of financial issues (meaning, my car).
Oh, i was going to try to get more memory and RAM for my computer but have discovered that the thing is obsolete and that i need to get a new one. I think i'm going to try to build my own, but who knows when i'll be able to scrape together enough money for that. I guess that's about it.
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