Friday, September 23, 2005

weight loss update

I meant to post earlier (but forgot then had technical difficulties) that i weighed myself yesterday and discovered that i've lost thirty-four pounds since the beginning of the school year. I haven't weighed so little in a couple of years and find this very surprising as i find it impossible to lose weight as a rule and am too busy to go to the gym. I have about fifteen more pounds until i reach my Christmas goal (i wanted to reach a certain weight by Christmas, then lose more on the slopes). Time will tell whether or not this weight loss trend will continue.
The U.S. version of the trailer is at the official Gof website, too.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire previews

Two different previews for the movie version of my favorite book in the series... Yeah, i'm starting to get excited. The UK one gave me chills especially and thankfully the Hedwig's Theme is in tact. Less than two months away now!

AOL US version
HPANA UK version

Thursday, September 22, 2005

life verses

Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity?...I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.
~ Romans 8:35, 38 (NLT)


what i'm knitting ~ just finished my beanie visor
what i'm listening to ~ Phenomenon by Thousand Foot Krutch

So i finally got my snowboard payed off and put it in the back of my car and as i had time to kill before work i tried putting the boots in the bindings (which i hadn't done yet)... it turns out that my bindings are too narrow for my boots and i have to wait for Gene Taylor's to get large bindings in. Annoying, but they're willing to work with me. I may have to pay more, but at least i have time to get some money together as they won't be getting more bindings in for a couple of weeks.

I was listening to Rush today and really miss hearing him. Right now i'm actually intrigued by Boortz and a bit bored with Hannity and Beck. Savage annoys me to no end. But there was a caller today (i only caught the end of the call) that said he didn't understand how Republicans can be pro-life but also pro-death penalty. Rush said he wasn't going to argue with idiocy because he believed his audience was smart enough to recognize stupidity when they hear it. Later a woman called in saying she really got irritated at that caller and Rush explained a bit, the same stuff that i believe about Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and Due Process. He said that if someone dies from the death penalty that they've been convicted by multiple juries/have had at least seventeen years to appeal and have been repeatedly been found guilty. Murderers don't respect life and being killed is a just punishment in his opinion. Which i've always agreed with because capital punishment is Biblical.

But i've just been thinking a lot lately about how defensive i am. If someone disagrees with me i really slam them hard (as evidenced by the latest comment). Rush was saying that liberals think that they understand conservatives, that they have a clear but false view of what we're about. That was really apparent in that one comment. The thought they knew me, were forcing words into my mouth, and they didn't understand what i was saying at all. So i'm going to have a page that outlines how i feel about the issues and i'm going to try to stop responding to idiocy like that. He's never going to read my response or listen to what i was saying, right? And i want to try to respect differences in opinion; i have several friends who have different political beliefs than i do and it's no big deal, we agree to disagree.

Anyways, i don't want to be supportive of Bush without calling him on stuff that i disagree with but at the same time i'm sick of being pessimistic all the time. Once upon a time i was the eternal optimist but right now i'm trying to find a balance. I'm upset that Bush is expanding government in regards to hurricane relief but i can't say i'm surprised. A bit burnt out right now, trying to regroup. Still, wanted to mention this article that i read briefly: U.N. Wants $845 Billion From U.S. Gotta go to my physics lab.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

oh, btw

I have lost about 20 pounds since starting school (probably because i never get to eat lunch and i'm always lugging around 30 lbs. of books). I haven't talked about Mr. Roberts yet but from what i've heard he's the man for the job. Sekulow endorsed him on the radio today so i guess that's good enough for me. I wish i had time to investigate everything for myself but i am, after all, a college student. I need to review for my next physics quiz (and an upcoming test!) after all...

Good night.

the other guy who commented

Great poet; just my luck, he's married with kids. (; I used to live in Charlotte, NC, which is funny, too. I hope that he and family will be safe with Hurricane Ophelia (i'm not sure where it's hitting, but it's near the NC/SC border i believe, which is where i've been to the beach on the east coast ironically enough).
i'm not perfect

God's still working on me

i just want to be real

to be whoever He wants me to be

trying to cool down...

I'll admit, i've been on edge lately. School has been hard; i'm glad to be going but there's been a lot of homework and physics in particular is giving me a lot of grief. The situation at home has been tense. It seems like every time i try to rise above it all someone or something insists on pulling me down.

I'm not depressed anymore. I don't have time to be depressed. I hate when people act like feeling emotion is a bad thing because it's natural, it's the way God wants us to be, and i don't feel it anymore. Each day it's clear that all i can do is trust God, but the things that used to bother me don't anymore because i'm just hollow now. I've decided to trust him and ignore the junk that Satan is throwing at me, but i'm tired of keeping silent when i hear lies, and i'm not going to let people pull me down anymore. I don't want to roll over and take it anymore so i'm going to fly whether anyone likes it or not.

I know that i offend some people. How am i supposed to care about that when no one cares if they walk all over me? I'm living for God alone and if you don't like it then it's your problem. I worry about coming off too harsh and angry but i'm also sick of the lies that i see being perpetuated. The junk that guy wrote in response to my e-mail is the same stuff that i've heard liberals call in to Rush for years and he always takes them down a notch. I guess he's rubbed off on me.

I think for myself. I believe strongly. Certain members of my family recently told me that i'm a "Drama Queen" whose mentality is "the sky is falling" one moment and "everything is perfect" the next (a la The Complex Infrastructure known as the Female Mind according to Relient K). I agree to a certain extent. My lows are low, my highs are high, I "think <my> life is over and <my> life has just begun in a span of ten minutes", but i'm not like that lately. My life has been over and yet just begun ever since i was born. This is normal for me now. I'm holding in there even though i know i don't have the strength to hold on anymore. I'm not in the depths of despair because i'm trusting in God, i know He'll pull me through. So i hold on.

But in many ways i'm not the Drama Queen. I don't talk with my hands, i'm not surrounded by girlfriends, i don't overuse exclamation points (in fact, i avoid them), and sometimes okay is just okay. I know my family thinks i exaggerate and whine way too much but i don't see it; yet at the same time what i've gone through feels like it could never be put into words because words aren't enough. So everyone else will now think i'm exaggerating and whining even more, but none of you have been where i am. Yeah, i get really happy sometimes, and i try to encourage others, but my happiness doesn't revolve around any guy (but God) and i can't cry at the drop of a hat.

I feel like i talk too much, but i think i do it because no one ever listens to a thing i say (and then of course they come back to me whining and never realize that it all could have been avoided if they would have just taken a few seconds to listen). I'm not bereft if i'm not the center of attention, but it hurts that people avoid me. Even my family does this: i'll save seats for everyone and they'll go and sit somewhere else. Or i'll go move to sit beside some people and they ignore me, then leave to sit elsewhere. Why is it always like that?

I can't rely on people. If i do they only let me down, it always happens. I give so much and they eventually dump me. People hide stuff from me as if i'll judge them when all i want to do is help. So i struggle to trust people but i think i've lost the ability somewhere. For a while i felt like i couldn't even trust God so how could i trust anyone else? And this scares me the most: how am i supposed to ever act or fall in love if i won't let myself trust anyone?

I'm trying so hard to get out of this place but sometimes i feel like i can't get any breaks. I don't want to go into it right now, don't know if i should share it, cuz i'm afraid that i'm going to hurt some people that i don't want to hurt. At the same time they hurt me.

The biggest reason i'm a Drama Queen is that i know that i'm going to act someday, that it's "my destiny." I knew it when i was three and ignored it for ten years, and now i've been praying about it for ten more. I never asked for this, but God planted the seed in my heart, He's promised it to me, and i know that He'll keep His promise. I can only prophesy about things that seem silly, foolish, but the Bible says that the gift of prophecy is given so one can encourage others. That's what i want to do more than anything else. If i can get through this then i know God can do anything (which i know anyway but this will be proof).

I know i'm not making much sense tonight; i'm too tired to make sense. I'm not a journalist, i'm just a girl who's trying to get through her baggage and quest in one piece. Again, i didn't ask for this: i'm just trying to serve God in the way He's asked me to. I don't know where He'll lead me. Do you think i expected to be living at home at twenty-three (almost twenty-four) and find herself out of control in every way? I can't control my weight, my past, my present, my future, and that's scary... I don't like being out of control, i don't like stopping for directions. I want to walk on water, move mountains, stop it from raining, etc. People don't expect God to do that stuff anymore, but i do. I know, i'm weird, crazy, a fool, but how am i supposed to be someone else??? It's God who's molding me, and like i said, if you don't like that deal: you'll have to take it up with the Big Guy (and i don't mean Hurley).

I'm stuck here so i'm trying to make the best of it. It isn't easy, but what fun would an easy life be? God has a sense of humor, don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Right now i just wish He would let me in on the joke.

Still waiting on Him...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

re: yeah, i'm going to respond

Okay, so i finally got some comments. I admit, my post was pretty strongly worded. When someone tries to discredit the importance of my spiritual and political beliefs as inferior i get worked up. I want to try to make some sense of one of the comments that was made because it was confusing. Italics are the comment, quotations being what i wrote in my last post, bold what Moore said.

"I don't know anything about Brown, but i imagine that overseeing a large horse show is pretty complicated."

Exactly, despite the fact that Brown just quit being FEMA director, being a horse show director definitely qualifies anyone to be large-scale distaster prevention/relief coordinator for the entire country. Doesn't it?

I wasn't saying that just because Brown directed horse shows made him a good or bad FEMA director, i'm saying that the experience wasn't bad and couldn't have hurt. We all learn from our past experiences and i think that directing horse shows isn't the only thing he did so it's stupid to act like it is his only qualification. I still haven't been shown any evidence that Katrina is Brown's fault and i don't think that any government agency is responsible for my safety whether that's why it exists or not.

"Those labels are who i am. If i put them aside i cease to be myself and will become a closed-minded Democrat/liberal/lost/communist/cigar-mouth/left-winger."

Yes! I've got labels too. Without labels I apply to myself I wouldn't know who I was!

No, without labels you wouldn't be anyone, you'd be devoid of form or character. Labels are something we all have, whether we want them or not, because without a label you're no one, you have no substance. I know who i am, the label is how i define it for others to understand. This is something everyone learns instinctively before they go to preschool.

"The threat was there. I remember CNN reporting that Iraqi troops were dumping chemical weapons into the rivers as they fled."

Quite true. Saddam Hussein was an IMMINENT threat. He was going to be hurling those chemical weapons at us any time. It definitely warranted a full-scale invasion that we're still involved in! Hear-hear!

He was an imminent threat to our allies... Which is beside the point because we didn't go to war about an "imminent" threat but one that would become imminent if we failed to act soon (which is why it was called a "pre-emptive strike", imagine that).

"Do you really believe that turning over important government services to private corporations has resulted in better services for the people?


When the entire WORLD is run by private corporations, and all environmental, human health, and humanitarian protections are removed and the wealthy minority have complete control, that's when things will start getting BETTER for everyone! I agree!

So everyone who owns a private corporation is anti-enviremont, anti-human health, and anti-humanitarian protections... Environmental organizations are going against their beliefs that the environment needs to be saved, CEOs want to destroy their own health and die prematurely, and humanitarian organizations really have it in for all of us. How would any of us function if that were true?

"I don't expect FEMA to save me (i don't believe that is the federal government's purpose) and Clinton was the one cutting funding to the military (which i do believe was bad)."

I think all government social services should be completely gutted and privatized. This allows just a select few who were born into wealth to have access to education and proper health care. Only the rich should afford it!

Oh yeah, we should all support President Bush's decision to gut funding from our war Veterans benefits! Once our armed men & women (mostly from the nasty inner-cities anyway) have bled and died for our country, we should feel no responsibility to support them afterwards. Let one of our corporations making great money from the war take care of them! I feel that was the best move by Bush.

Health care fortunately isn't federalized, the education system doesn't work, and the social services keeps people in poverty and/or takes away the rights they are guarenteed in the Bill of Rights. If you study our founding fathers you know that they didn't want the government to be in charge of any of those things. If the government weren't controlling so many of these things we would all be better off because people in power don't care about their constituents as much as they care about getting more power.

Bush isn't solely responsible for cutting veterans' benefits, that's been happening for at least the twelve years or so that i've been following the news. The poor aren't the only ones who serve the country, the rich do, too. Most corperations suffer because of war, not benefit.

"Yes, they (tax cuts for the rich) are a good idea. I'm a conservative, so i know that it's better for citizens to make donations than the government to pay for it (oh, that's us, too, only i don't have the money right now to pay for it, which is why i'm not making donations, as much as i'd like to)."

Me too! I'm conservative, so that means I believe that, um wait. Only the rich can donate? What if I'm rich and I don't want to donate? If I'm rich would I have to help prevent disasters from happening, like emergency preparedness? Or should I only wait til the disasters happen and THEN donate?

Huh? You aren't making any sense. I've been talking about how fellow students have been donating, how was i not clear about that? What does that have to do with the rich giving, too? It's not the rich's responsibility to pay for other peoples' mistakes any more than it's the taxpayers' responsibility. And as i have outlined before, it was only in New Orleans that people weren't helping each other, in all the other areas they came together and were safe. Stop digging a hole for yourself and get a clue!

"Take a look around and what do you see? Everyone is helping the victims, in all 50 states there are refugees. People are taking refugees into their homes, helping them find jobs, feeding and clothing them, and helping them start over: We the People, not the government."

Yes, exactly, pro-active planning by qualified engineers is a WASTE OF TIME. We should definitely wait til the disasters happen, or better yet, ENCOURAGE the disasters to be worse when they actually happen. Then wait for our wealthy benefactors to bail everyone out!

One can never plan for all the contigencies, but i still think that the mayor and governor should have stuck to the plan, and that's all on them. Bush told them to stick to the plan and they ignored him so it's their bad, not his. And the entire point i've been trying to make is it's not up to anyone to bail us out, one should be self sufficient and stop whining because they have to act like an adult and take care of oneself instead of expecting everyone else in the country who pays taxes to support one for their entire life.

"It doesn't bother me to be laughed at. I've always been a social outcast, but i'd rather face the truth and be true to who i am--who God made me--than conform."

Well, outside of me being a social outcast yeah, well...we should screw all other countries and foreigners anyway! The U.S.A. is an island to itself and we SHOULD take the vast majority of the world's resources from the rest of the world.

What in the world does that have to do with Katrina? Are you insinuating that i am saying that? You sound like an idiot.

"We are vulnerable because welfare keeps people in poverty (which, btw, their poverty is positively rich compared to most of the world). I do not accept education, because public education doesn't work and i don't think there's a thing the federal government can do about it. Health coverage is not the responsibility of the government, but the empoyers, who often cannot afford to provide it because of frivolous lawsuits and high taxes and the raise of minimum wage (as in certain areas of CA)."

As I stated before, our country will DEFINITELY benefit from a large seperation between the wealthy and the poor. Get rid of the middle class! Send those jobs overseas. The poor will slowly, morally, disintegrate and only be in those God-forsaken city centers, and all us white folks will move out of town with taller and taller fences!

Which, as i stated before, is being caused by welfare, not helped by it. Pay attention and try to keep up. Stop insinuating that i am against the middle class (which my family and the majority of this country is a part of). Stop hating the rich because they've worked harder than you and made a success of themselves.

And health care? That should be in the power of the big pharmaceutical companies--the way its going now! Just look at all the great money they are making by ensuring everyone is on some type of medication that they never really needed! What a business plan! More power to em'. Maybe I should work for a major pharmaceutical company, hmm...

Well the government certainly isn't right about health care all of the time and they have no right to tell me what to do with my body! Didn't an FDA approved drug just get recalled recently...? And i'm totally against medicating people who don't need it (which is why i refuse to take meds for my "depression" that's supposedly incurable otherwise) and stop trying to insinuate things that aren't true.

"I feel safe because i know i have the Constitutional right to own a firearm and defend myself. I feel safe because i can think for myself. I feel safe because the military is taking down tyrants."

That's right! Taller fences and walls. Everyone's got guns! No one trusts anyone. Hell, I don't trust anyone now, that fits social outcasts like me just fine! That's the world I want to live in, I'm looking forward to that! Hell, and someone "learned" said I need to see a therapist and take care of myself, LOL!

Can you make any less sense? How am i supposed to respond to someone who won't even discuss something logically, reasonably, and on the topic? FYI, just because someone owns a gun and would rather be themselves than conform and/or follow their leader off a cliff doesn't mean they have a "me against the world" mentality (as you seem to) or are inherently dangerous.

"I voted for Bush; it was better than the alternative. Bush surrounds himself with people who are more experienced than him,"

Damn right. Kerry (like McCain) only volunteered and 'fought' in the Vietnam war, was top of his class, was behind many political endeavors, is an intellectual, and wanted to give power back to the middle class. Kerry didn't get a free ride to Yale like Bush, who did nothing in college except party it up in his fraternity, find jesus, and exploit all good conservative christians everyhere by becoming THEIR President! Man, this makes my heart swell up with American Pride!

I was unaware that Bush had a free ride, but that's something a lot of students have. Not me, but then i'm not living my ideals completely: i'm going to college partially because the federal government is paying for it and i don't want to take out a larger student loan. Besides, Bush's military record is not applicable here and was already dealt with on this blog months ago.

And what's wrong with the people who ole' GWB surrounds himself with? They're ex-oil & gas and weapons tycoons who have a worldwide business agenda, none of whom has ever served in active duty. Except for our God-given Rumsfeld, who taught flying lessons in the Air Force! Good for him! These wealthy types serve our country better by avoiding fighting themselves (via AWOL and rich Dad's) and make our other (less worthy) fellas do it for em'.

None of them served in the military? Why is that applicable to this topic? Are you only smart if you've served in the military? Are you only good at what you do if you've served in the military?

So Luinel, I totally 100% agree! That's why I voted for George Bush as my President in 2000 & 2005. It's just too hard to think about things too deeply doin' it any other way! Thanks for your response!

Chris in Corvallis, OR

You voted for Bush in 2005? That was a bit late, wasn't it? You haven't thought about things deeply, you're repeating the b.s. lies that lots of liberals do instead of being intellectually honest. Thanks for being so hateful towards your namesake, too, and obviously oblivious to what He taught.

still shining,
Kristine Senko

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

yeah, i'm going to respond

what i'm knitting ~ my beanie visor
what i'm reading ~ To All My Fellow Americans Who Voted for George W. Bush by Michael Moore
what i'm writing ~ my response

This came to my attention because a member of one of my Yahoo groups posted it. I only mention it because i feel obligated to respond. I try not to pay attention to Michael Moore, though i would like to see Fahrenheit 9/11 some time so i can judge it for myself. His words will be in italics, mine not.

To All My Fellow Americans Who Voted for George W. Bush:

On this, the fourth anniversary of 9/11, I'm just curious, how does it feel?

How does it feel to know that the man you elected to lead us after we were attacked went ahead and put a guy in charge of FEMA whose main qualification was that he ran horse shows?

That's right. Horse shows.

I really want to know -- and I ask you this in all sincerity and with all due respect -- how do you feel about the utter contempt Mr. Bush has shown for your safety? C'mon, give me just a moment of honesty. Don't start ranting on about how this disaster in New Orleans was the fault of one of the poorest cities in America. Put aside your hatred of Democrats and liberals and anyone with the last name of Clinton. Just look me in the eye and tell me our President did the right thing after 9/11 by naming a horse show runner as the top man to protect us in case of an emergency or catastrophe.

How do i feel? Do i truly feel safe because of what the government has done since 9/11? Of course not! I know i will never feel safe again. America will never be completely safe and never really was, we just felt that way. Any sense of security we have ever had was false. But we grew up, and if we want to go back to a time where we felt safe (like a child feels safe in the company of their parents) we will only be burying our heads in the sand. The federal government is not your parents! I'm an adult, i face the facts. The 9/11 Commission didn't do anything productive. Our borders are still open and if we close them completely and don't allow anyone to come in we lose part of what makes America great. And i'm not stupid enough to expect the president to come help me if i'm rendered homeless by any catastrophe.

I don't know anything about Brown, but i imagine that overseeing a large horse show is pretty complicated. He shouldn't have been expected to save the people of New Orleans.

I want you to put aside your self-affixed label of Republican/conservative/born-again/capitalist/ditto-head/right-winger and just talk to me as an American, on the common ground we both call America.

This is just moronic. Those labels are who i am. If i put them aside i cease to be myself and will become a closed-minded Democrat/liberal/lost/communist/cigar-mouth/left-winger. If you want to be that it's your perrogative, we're all free to believe or say whatever we want (thanks to the Constitution), but taking off those labels won't give us common ground, it would be equivalent to him brainwashing me.

Are we safer now than before 9/11? When you learn that behind the horse show runner, the #2 and #3 men in charge of emergency preparedness have zero experience in emergency preparedness, do you think we are safer?

When you look at Michael Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security, a man with little experience in national security, do you feel secure?

When men who never served in the military and have never seen young men die in battle send our young people off to war, do you think they know how to conduct a war? Do they know what it means to have your legs blown off for a threat that was never there?

The threat was there. I remember CNN reporting that Iraqi troops were dumping chemical weapons into the rivers as they fled. Last time i checked, chemical weapons are considered to be a Weapon of Mass Destruction and Saddam Hussein was not supposed to have any. Maybe he couldn't have attacked us yet, but he wanted to, and he wanted us to think he could. Get that through your skull already.

Do you really believe that turning over important government services to private corporations has resulted in better services for the people?


Why do you hate our federal government so much? You have voted for politicians for the past 25 years whose main goal has been to de-fund the federal government. Do you think that cutting federal programs like FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers has been good or bad for America? GOOD OR BAD?

I don't expect FEMA to save me (i don't believe that is the federal government's purpose) and Clinton was the one cutting funding to the military (which i do believe was bad).

With the nation's debt at an all-time high, do you think tax cuts for the rich are still a good idea? Will you give yours back so hundreds of thousands of homeless in New Orleans can have a home?

Yes, they are a good idea. I'm a conservative, so i know that it's better for citizens to make donations than the government to pay for it (oh, that's us, too, only i don't have the money right now to pay for it, which is why i'm not making donations, as much as i'd like to).

Do you believe in Jesus? Really? Didn't he say that we would be judged by how we treat the least among us? Hurricane Katrina came in and blew off the facade that we were a nation with liberty and justice for all. The wind howled and the water rose and what was revealed was that the poor in America shall be left to suffer and die while the President of the United States fiddles and tells them to eat cake.

That's not a joke. The day the hurricane hit and the levees broke, Mr. Bush, John McCain and their rich pals were stuffing themselves with cake. A full day after the levees broke (the same levees whose repair funding he had cut), Mr. Bush was playing a guitar some country singer gave him. All this while New Orleans sank under water.

It would take ANOTHER day before the President would do a flyover in his jumbo jet, peeking out the window at the misery 2500 feet below him as he flew back to his second home in DC. It would then be TWO MORE DAYS before a trickle of federal aid and troops would arrive. This was no seven minutes in a sitting trance while children read "My Pet Goat" to him. This was FOUR DAYS of doing nothing other than saying "Brownie (FEMA director Michael Brown), you're doing a heck of a job!"

Ugh, this is pathetic. Take a look around and what do you see? Everyone is helping the victims, in all 50 states there are refugees. People are taking refugees into their homes, helping them find jobs, feeding and clothing them, and helping them start over: We the People, not the government.

McCain is not on the same side as Bush, in case you haven't noticed. He's batting for the other team.

President Bush wasn't really on vacation in Texas, he was still working. He told the governor and mayor to evacuate (as the plan told them to) and they ignored him... How is that his fault? And my memory may be wrong, but i seem to remember him promising aid to the victims of this hurricane before it even hit.

My Republican friends, does it bother you that we are the laughing stock of the world?

And on this sacred day of remembrance, do you think we honor or shame those who died on 9/11/01? If we learned nothing and find ourselves today every bit as vulnerable and unprepared as we were on that bright sunny morning, then did the 3,000 die in vain?

It doesn't bother me to be laughed at. I've always been a social outcast, but i'd rather face the truth and be true to who i am--who God made me--than conform. And those 3,000 died because madmen killed them, because Clinton didn't act when he had the chance, and that has nothing to do with Bush or Katrina.

Our vulnerability is not just about dealing with terrorists or natural disasters. We are vulnerable and unsafe because we allow one in eight Americans to live in horrible poverty. We accept an education system where one in six children never graduate and most of those who do can't string a coherent sentence together. The middle class can't pay the mortgage or the hospital bills and 45 million have no health coverage whatsoever.

We are vulnerable because welfare keeps people in poverty (which, btw, their poverty is positively rich compared to most of the world). I do not accept education, because public education doesn't work and i don't think there's a thing the federal government can do about it. Health coverage is not the responsibility of the government, but the empoyers, who often cannot afford to provide it because of frivolous lawsuits and high taxes and the raise of minimum wage (as in certain areas of CA).

Are we safe? Do you really feel safe? You can only move so far out and build so many gated communities before the fruit of what you've sown will be crashing through your walls and demanding retribution. Do you really want to wait until that happens? Or is it your hope that if they are left alone long enough to soil themselves and shoot themselves and drown in the filth that fills the street that maybe the problem will somehow go away?

I feel safe because i know i have the Constitutional right to own a firearm and defend myself. I feel safe because i can think for myself. I feel safe because the military is taking down tyrants.

I know you know better. You gave the country and the world a man who wasn't up for the job and all he does is hire people who aren't up for the job. You did this to us, to the world, to the people of New Orleans. Please fix it. Bush is yours. And you know, for our peace and safety and security, this has to be fixed. What do you propose?

I have an idea, and it isn't a horse show.


Michael Moore

Yes, i do know better than to believe your b.s. I voted for Bush; it was better than the alternative. Bush surrounds himself with people who are more experienced than him, one bad apple out of hundreds doesn't change that. Bush did not wave a magic wand and cause Katrina to hit New Orleans.

I know he's not perfect. His failure is perpetuating big government as much as he has. What do i propose? I propose we limit the power of the politicians and put it back in the hands of the People where it belongs. I don't know if i'm more Republican or more Libertarian to believe that, but that's my solution. I don't want Michael Moore's ideas, they're stupid.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

audition and a movie

Well, my classmate and i had fun making utter fools of ourselves (; but neither of us got called back (big surprise). She wanted to be in the play but i just want to be in West Side Story. Either of us could still be cast in bit parts (we'll find out tomorrow).

Saw Transporter 2 tonight. I really enjoy watching Statham move: it's like Jackie Chan without the comedy. He's really flexible and does the impossible repeatedly. There were a couple of unbelievable moments but overall it was a good action flick. It certainly helped me relax. I was actually a bit sore from rehearsing our scene so much.

Friday, September 09, 2005

oh, now i remember...

As outlined in this article, TPTB didn't know how to evacuate convicts so they just let them go. And they're wondering what's up with all the looting?!? What, did they take stupid pills down there or something? I am sick of people accusing Bush of being the root of all the problems; he certainly didn't cause any of the stuff that i've been hearing about.

ugh, am i still hearing about and responding to that?

I am so glad that it is the weekend. As it is, i probably won't be able to enjoy it.

The first thing i heard this morning is my mother reading aloud a headline that all guns were being taken away from evacuees in Louisiana. It really upset me. I know that some people are getting sick because they aren't evacuating, that there's a lot of looting with stolen weapons, but i sure hope that the people who legally own firearms aren't being disarmed just for defending their home. It's a violation of our second amendment rights.

More news... they're not handing out the $2000 debit cards anymore now that the FEMA director has been canned. Not really a good use of federal funds imho. In true libertarian fashion i believe that all relief should come through charitable donations, not mandatory extraction from the taxpayers' wallets. In choir we found out we could but $25 worth of groceries and mail it for $5 to refugees. I need the $30 to fill my tank up and get to school. Maybe i can make a donation in a couple of weeks, but right now it's all i can do to take care of myself. I feel for the victims, but agree with this article and Neal Boortz in a way (never thought i'd say that of the latter): it's kind of their own fault and many are going to keep perpetuating the vicious cycle. Still, there's definitely some people out there (on the local and state levels) that need to step up and take responsibility for their actions... or lack thereof.

There was something else i wanted to say but now i can't remember what it was. There is way too much noise in this house tonight.

Tomorrow i'm auditioning for Dracula. I don't have to memorize a monologue, i have to do a scene. I'm doing it with a classmate: we're going to do a scene with me as Lucy, her as Mina, then switch parts for her auditon. It's got really gay dialogue and is utterly ridiculous. Fortunately i don't have to memorize it and can do it with the page in front of me because i'm not really in memorizing mode. It will be good to get it over with.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

more of same

I think i heard that it's day eleven in the aftermath of Katrina. Apparently there's an article in the Washington Post with new evidence that the levy in New Orleans wasn't being improved upon or upkept, that no money was going to it, and there was (as a result) no way Bush or anyone else could have "diverted funds" away from the project anytime recently.

I am sick of trusting the TV news media and papers for my news, which is why i hardly watch it anymore. Most of the time they don't cover the truth they just spin it the way they want it to be perceived. They obviously had it in for the prez from the beginning of coverage, Democrats are demonstrating, and now it turns out their argument doesn't hold water (lol). Why did they have to politicize it in the first place?

The radio is my largest news source now. I wish i could find some good news blogs.
what i'm knitting ~ getting ready to start on my beanie visor
what i'm listening to ~ The Art of Breaking by Thousand Foot Krutch
what i'm reading ~ Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (not sure i'm gonna finish it, though)
what i'm writing ~ Fire Angel season two pilot... like it will ever be read

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

this weekend

Well, no sooner do i decide to ditch Dracula auditions and go to Denver for the American Idol variety when i find out that i don't get paid for another week (i thought i was going to get paid this friday). So i'm stuck here without money for gas, food, etc. So i guess i am going to be auditioning for Dracula after all.

I'm not that disappointed. I prayed and asked God to show me His will and if He doesn't want me to go He doesn't want me to go. I'm not going to get all angsty. I'm in a pretty good mood because i was listening to my discman at practice and then found out that i'm going to be paid more than i thought i was going to get. If i save i should be able to get a new computer before Christmas. That is definitely a plus.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina and the politics thereof

Last night i was surfing knitting sites and was disappointed to find that some of them had strayed to politics and were lying about the President Bush. Now i know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and can believe/write/say whatever they want, but it turned me off that they were so strongly political on their knitting blogs. That's why i have a seperate knitting blog, so no one has to read about my political beliefs when they want to read about knitting.

I was listening to Rush this morning and he said that there was an evacuation plan in place for the people in New Orleans who couldn't get themselves out of the city and that the governor and mayor didn't put it into effect when they should have. With hurricanes over level 3 no one should have been evacuated to sports arenas: they should have all been out of the way hours before the hurricane had landfall. Someone who lives near New Orleans--in another town in the area that's largely conservative--says that where he lives everyone pitched in and no one was caught in the storm because everyone was evacuated as they should have been. This obviously wasn't the case in New Orleans.

I haven't heard about any of this from the regular media, only about the "failure" of New Orleans, and like everyone else have merely been subjected to Democrats droning on and on about how this is all the president's fault. It isn't the federal government's job to rescue you when a storm comes, and it was the local Democrats who failed to act in this case. It makes me sick.

Yesterday morning i was reading Seventeen for the first time in months (my sis' friend had invited us over and had a free subscription). There was a letter where a thirteen year old asked if she and her boyfriend should have sex because they loved each other and it was the next step in their relationship. The response was that it's illegal to have sex before you're sixteen. Now i'm the last one to advocate premarital or teenage sex, but what right does the government have to tell anyone that?!? It's the parents' job to make sure their kids are making the right choices and the government has no business telling anyone what to do sexually ever. This is another case of the government trying to protect people from themselves when it's not their place: they're only supposed to protect us from people who have the intent of hurting others. The government has way too much power right now.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Okay, the subject i've been avoiding... Katrina. Well i knew from a penpal who lives near New Orleans that if a hurricane came they'd be in a bad way. But for some reason i can't muster up much emotion about it. I don't know why, i don't know what's wrong for me. My Mom points out that i was passionate enough about Schiavo. I'm glad people are trying to do so much to help but i'm upset by how skewed the media's coverage seems to be. There's nothing i can do about the situation and so i've avoided thinking, talking, or writing about it.

I still haven't decided whether to spend next weekend in Denver for American Idol or here auditioning for Dracula. I haven't been able to confirm that the show is coming here.

Since talking about my EW dream and having a long and exhausting weekend i've gotten a bit down about the whole lack of friends/boyfriend thing. There are several classmates that i enjoy conversing with (BP in particular, if you're reading!) but no prospective husbands as far as i can tell. Maybe i should just suck it up and try to go to Biola next year: surely i could find someone there? But right now i'm trying not to spiral into whining mode. I only want to audition for American Idol if God wants me to, i only want to date if God wants me to, i only want to attend the elusive Church 4.0 at MSC if He wants me to, and if He doesn't want me to do those things right now then i should just accept it.

I'm sick of just sucking things up and taking it, though: i want to be free to be who (i feel) God wants me to be and if someone doesn't approve it's their problem! I don't want to offend people but i'm sick of being limited by worrying about what others think. I only want to worry about what God thinks. Is there something wrong about that? I know that we're supposed to be conscientous about how we appear to those who are new Christians or who are being witnessed to but what kind of a witness is it to cave into anyone when it comes to serving God? I'm sick of getting in situations where i'm miserable because i defer to the judgement of others. They don't have to live with the decisions i make, why do i have to let them make the decisions that i want to be making for myself?

It's hard living with your family after you've become an adult because they just don't get it. I've paid my aunt back but she begrudges the fact that i'm not paying rent to my parents even though i'm living in my grandparents' trailer and they refuse to charge me rent! My Mom is mad because i read/watch Harry Potter and am "corrupting" her children. It's horrible to have this stuff hanging over me all the time. My conscience is clear, i've made an informed decision that's different than hers, why can't she just get over it? I still don't understand why she will only take the word of strangers who are lying over mine. It hurts.

I'm just wading through a lot of stuff right now. I'm too wrapped up in my own problems to worry about anyone else. I know that's bad, but i'm alone and broken, so what can i do? I'm a fool, but i'm trying to do the right thing. Hopefully my next post will make more sense.

Friday, September 02, 2005

spam comments

Oh, great, i'm now getting spam comments. I've changed my settings so people have to put in the letters to comment, but i've still got it set on "anyone" because i think that anyone should be able to comment. I think this "Anonymous" person is annoying, so hopefully that fixes the problem.

fall is almost here

The past few days as i've been walking from my car (i say it's my car, it's really my parents') to classes i've been noticing the trees. Their seeds/pods have fallen onto the ground and now the leaves are just starting to change. You can see the slightest tinge of yellow, or gold, or orange here or there. Before too much longer it will be turning cool and leaves will be falling, and then snow, which, now that it's coming, i'm surprised to find that i'm going to regret in a way. I'm always hot, have been dying to hit the slopes on a new snowboard since i was forced off of them, but now i'm clinging to the last days of summer... probably because i've just finished my second week back at school.

School has been a roller coaster. Lots of stressful stuff happens to me, but by the end of the day i usually feel pretty good. I'm actually getting tan from filming football practices, which is nice because i've been too pale the past couple of years from being inside all the time. Health and Physics are still boring, Acting is all right i guess, Choir is fun and challenging, Spanish is really fun and--oddly enough--quickly becoming my favorite class. So the day starts off stressful but ends on a high note. I usually feel like i have no idea how i'm going to get through the day as i'm walking to my first class but i can't believe it's over as i leave my last. The day happens really quickly and i end up feeling better than i expected.

But i'm still worrying about things; the biggest issues for me are physics and acting. I've heard some really bad stuff about my physics teacher and it's already a subject that i'm anticipating having trouble in (i'm not the best at science or mechanics), so i'll be glad when the class is over. I'm also not into the whole theater thing so i'm regretting declaring my major because now i have to audition for every show. Yeah, i want to act, but i don't much care for the choices in shows, and what i really want is to work in film. I want to write, and produce, and direct someday. Right now i want to go to audition on American Idol (so i can hopefully break into acting mostly), but i also want to go to Biola next year so i can major in Film/TV/Radio. But there are things in the way: i have a mandatory audition for Dracula when AI is going to be in Denver, Biola will cost at least $15,000 a semester, and even if i get to go to Biola i'm not guarenteed to get into the F/T/R program.

I feel trapped. I don't like coming to school here. I want to learn, and if that's what God wants then okay, but so much of it seems like a waste of my time. I'd rather be somewhere else living my dreams, but that seems impossible right now. I don't know what to do. I keep on seeking God (in fact, i've redoubled my efforts of late) and He keeps on being silent.

I'm worried about myself emotionally right now, too. I don't feel anything anymore. For the past couple of years i've been dealing with stuff because it was coming out whether i liked it or not. Now i'm back to not feeling, not dealing, just holding it inside. I don't want to be closed up for the rest of my life, but i don't know what to do about it. I feel so scared, helpless, and out of control, but at the same time i don't really feel anything. I'm just dead. I guess that i've just been coping for so long, desperately trying to survive while being deluged with pain, that i got to a point where i cut myself off again. I don't want to feel paralyzed like this any more but what's the point in me feeling sad, either? I'm not depressed, but i'm not joyful either. I'm just here, existing from moment to moment, not really alive.

Last night i dreamt about Elijah Wood. It was the first time i had ever dreamt about him in my memory. You see, the things i want to dream about are never the things i do dream about. I have had this crush on Mr. Wood for longer than i can remember. I've found other actors attractive, but i usually outgrow them, only with him... it always comes back. I liked him in Radio Flyer and Forever Young when i was little, didn't hear much about him until Deep Impact, and then he dropped off the face of the planet again. Since i saw Fellowship of the Ring i've had it bad; i don't know how to let go of this stupid crush, this mad desire to marry him.

I shouldn't feel like this for him (he smokes, and drinks, and i don't know that he's a Christian) or anyone else, but for some reason my mind keeps going back to him. There's times when he's annoying and not the best looking, but i still find him attractive anyway. It's not like i'm lusting after him sexually, i just really, really want to get to know him and spend the rest of my life with him. It has no logic and i don't know how--or if i want--to stop feeling this way. It's stupid, i know. I think he's become the personification of my desire to be myself with just one man, to be taken care of for the rest of my life while simultaneously taking care of him.

The dream was weird. We didn't talk. When i first saw him i was embarassed because i didn't (and wouldn't in real life, either) know how to talk to him, but he sat next to me. We were watching something together, a speech or something, and i was taking notes, and it was all i could do not to just lose control and stare at him. And then he did the weirdest thing: he put his arm around me. And it wasn't gross like when some pervert is coming onto you, it felt right. After a while he took off my shoes and started rubbing my feet (which was really weird but felt really great) and i felt this is going too fast but then i realized that i didn't want him to stop. It felt right, it felt like something good was finally happening to me, like the answer to all my prayers and hopes and dreams.

We did stupid stuff together, like walking around aimlessly, going out to dinner, nothing important or monumental. He didn't say much of anything, but i still knew that he was interested in finding out about me, and we just understood each other even though we hardly spoke. It was really nice and i didn't want to wake up.

In real life i've only ever had three crushes who seemed just as interested in finding out about me as i was to find out about them but all of them were taken out of my life before anything could happen. I've never gotten beyond that first stage where you don't know a thing about them but you're desperate to change that, where you don't want to say anything dumb but somehow you know that you can say anything to them and they'll accept you just as you are. I know it takes time to build intimacy, to get to know someone well enough to really know if you have a reason to want to spend your entire life with them, but i feel like i'm not complete because i'm not even the slightest bit experienced in this area. I've never had the chance to have a relationship with a man and that kills me because more than not acting or singing or writing or snowboarding or knitting or design webpages because more than anything else (besides doing God's will) i want to get married, spend the rest of my life with one man, and make lots of babies with him. That's all i want, all i need. The rest would just be icing. But i don't even have a cake to ice.

And i think that's all i feel anymore, the loneliness and the inability to trust others with who i am because i know they don't want to know the real me and i'd only be making a fool of myself. I know God loves me, and it's probably what keeps me going, but i'm isolated from it, i don't really feel it. Today, driving to school, i had a deja vu while pulling out from a certain light and being in a certain lane and being behind a certain blue truck and feeling as if i'd seen it all happen to me before. And it suddenly occured to me: what if these deja vus (that i always have at the weirdest times) are just God's way of telling me that i'm right where He wants me? I don't like where i am, but that doesn't matter as much as the fact that i desperately need to know that i'm in God's will.

And that's when "The One Thing" came on the radio and seemed to be talking about me. I've questioned everything in my life except God: He's the one constant in my life. Even as i change, grow, fall apart, i know that He'll always be the thing in my life, inside me, that will never be lost or go away. It seems stupid from a worldly perspective, but i know that it's right for me to trust Him no matter what. Even though i'm scared that i don't have enough faith, that i won't be able to get through this in one piece or do what He wants me to, no matter how much i'm hurt by what He's caused/allowed to happen in my life, i know that i will never stop loving Him, never turn my back on Him, never be able to tell Him that i don't want Him anymore, because He's all that i want. No matter what happens to me in life, how crazy i become, how bad i mess up, i know that i'm going to be spending eternity with Him. My life seems overwhelming now, but it's only vapor on the wind, it will be gone after a few heartbeats, and that's when what's real and true will really begin, after i've lost everything to which i'm clinging to right now. That's why i know that i could never give Him enough and--no matter what He asks--i'm going to do everything i can to do whatever He wants me to.

It sounds easy, but it's not. I'm still attached to earth, will have to be for many years to come. I'm meant to feel this "reality" more strongly than the end result right now. I still need to work on not being so engrossed in worldly things, but i have to live life and die (or be raptured) before i can live eternity. So if any guy were to come up to me and really and truly want to get to know me, i'd be ecstatic, and i think i'm supposed to be (i do not have the gift of singleness). If Elijah Wood were to somehow be thrown into my life i'd be glad to get to know him. But right now all i can do is dream about it until God sends the right one into my life. It's up to Him, not me. And even though it kills me to say it, i'll still serve Him even if He never sends a potential husband my way. Somehow i've got to come with better grips with that. I know i'm so messed up that most guys probably wouldn't want to touch me with a ten foot pole (;, but it's out of my control, right along with everything else in my life: in God's hands.

stuck in my head

here i am ~ in a river of questions ~ can i pour my heart out to a listening ear? ~ i see this life ~ its valleys and mountains ~ and i think of all the roads that brought me here ~ oh that brought me here

i've questioned my reasons ~ the life i'm living ~ i've questioned my ability ~ to judge wrong from right ~ i've questioned all the things ~ that i've ever called certain ~ my race, my religion ~ my country, my mind

but the one thing i don't question is You ~ You really love me like You say you do ~ yeah the one thing I don't question is You ~ You really love me like you say You do ~ hold me ~ hold me ~ so hold me

well i've questioned my significance ~ meaning and relevance ~ does the work i'm doing really matter at all? ~ well i've questioned my friendships ~ alliance, dependence ~ who will still be here when I fall?

but the one thing i don't question is You ~ You really love me like You say you do ~ yeah the one thing I don't question is You ~ You really love me like you say You do ~ hold me ~ hold me ~ so hold me

only One thing doesn't change ~ only One thing stays the same ~ all i know at the end of the day ~ is your love remains

Paul Colman ~ The One Thing