Wednesday, September 14, 2005

re: yeah, i'm going to respond

Okay, so i finally got some comments. I admit, my post was pretty strongly worded. When someone tries to discredit the importance of my spiritual and political beliefs as inferior i get worked up. I want to try to make some sense of one of the comments that was made because it was confusing. Italics are the comment, quotations being what i wrote in my last post, bold what Moore said.

"I don't know anything about Brown, but i imagine that overseeing a large horse show is pretty complicated."

Exactly, despite the fact that Brown just quit being FEMA director, being a horse show director definitely qualifies anyone to be large-scale distaster prevention/relief coordinator for the entire country. Doesn't it?

I wasn't saying that just because Brown directed horse shows made him a good or bad FEMA director, i'm saying that the experience wasn't bad and couldn't have hurt. We all learn from our past experiences and i think that directing horse shows isn't the only thing he did so it's stupid to act like it is his only qualification. I still haven't been shown any evidence that Katrina is Brown's fault and i don't think that any government agency is responsible for my safety whether that's why it exists or not.

"Those labels are who i am. If i put them aside i cease to be myself and will become a closed-minded Democrat/liberal/lost/communist/cigar-mouth/left-winger."

Yes! I've got labels too. Without labels I apply to myself I wouldn't know who I was!

No, without labels you wouldn't be anyone, you'd be devoid of form or character. Labels are something we all have, whether we want them or not, because without a label you're no one, you have no substance. I know who i am, the label is how i define it for others to understand. This is something everyone learns instinctively before they go to preschool.

"The threat was there. I remember CNN reporting that Iraqi troops were dumping chemical weapons into the rivers as they fled."

Quite true. Saddam Hussein was an IMMINENT threat. He was going to be hurling those chemical weapons at us any time. It definitely warranted a full-scale invasion that we're still involved in! Hear-hear!

He was an imminent threat to our allies... Which is beside the point because we didn't go to war about an "imminent" threat but one that would become imminent if we failed to act soon (which is why it was called a "pre-emptive strike", imagine that).

"Do you really believe that turning over important government services to private corporations has resulted in better services for the people?


When the entire WORLD is run by private corporations, and all environmental, human health, and humanitarian protections are removed and the wealthy minority have complete control, that's when things will start getting BETTER for everyone! I agree!

So everyone who owns a private corporation is anti-enviremont, anti-human health, and anti-humanitarian protections... Environmental organizations are going against their beliefs that the environment needs to be saved, CEOs want to destroy their own health and die prematurely, and humanitarian organizations really have it in for all of us. How would any of us function if that were true?

"I don't expect FEMA to save me (i don't believe that is the federal government's purpose) and Clinton was the one cutting funding to the military (which i do believe was bad)."

I think all government social services should be completely gutted and privatized. This allows just a select few who were born into wealth to have access to education and proper health care. Only the rich should afford it!

Oh yeah, we should all support President Bush's decision to gut funding from our war Veterans benefits! Once our armed men & women (mostly from the nasty inner-cities anyway) have bled and died for our country, we should feel no responsibility to support them afterwards. Let one of our corporations making great money from the war take care of them! I feel that was the best move by Bush.

Health care fortunately isn't federalized, the education system doesn't work, and the social services keeps people in poverty and/or takes away the rights they are guarenteed in the Bill of Rights. If you study our founding fathers you know that they didn't want the government to be in charge of any of those things. If the government weren't controlling so many of these things we would all be better off because people in power don't care about their constituents as much as they care about getting more power.

Bush isn't solely responsible for cutting veterans' benefits, that's been happening for at least the twelve years or so that i've been following the news. The poor aren't the only ones who serve the country, the rich do, too. Most corperations suffer because of war, not benefit.

"Yes, they (tax cuts for the rich) are a good idea. I'm a conservative, so i know that it's better for citizens to make donations than the government to pay for it (oh, that's us, too, only i don't have the money right now to pay for it, which is why i'm not making donations, as much as i'd like to)."

Me too! I'm conservative, so that means I believe that, um wait. Only the rich can donate? What if I'm rich and I don't want to donate? If I'm rich would I have to help prevent disasters from happening, like emergency preparedness? Or should I only wait til the disasters happen and THEN donate?

Huh? You aren't making any sense. I've been talking about how fellow students have been donating, how was i not clear about that? What does that have to do with the rich giving, too? It's not the rich's responsibility to pay for other peoples' mistakes any more than it's the taxpayers' responsibility. And as i have outlined before, it was only in New Orleans that people weren't helping each other, in all the other areas they came together and were safe. Stop digging a hole for yourself and get a clue!

"Take a look around and what do you see? Everyone is helping the victims, in all 50 states there are refugees. People are taking refugees into their homes, helping them find jobs, feeding and clothing them, and helping them start over: We the People, not the government."

Yes, exactly, pro-active planning by qualified engineers is a WASTE OF TIME. We should definitely wait til the disasters happen, or better yet, ENCOURAGE the disasters to be worse when they actually happen. Then wait for our wealthy benefactors to bail everyone out!

One can never plan for all the contigencies, but i still think that the mayor and governor should have stuck to the plan, and that's all on them. Bush told them to stick to the plan and they ignored him so it's their bad, not his. And the entire point i've been trying to make is it's not up to anyone to bail us out, one should be self sufficient and stop whining because they have to act like an adult and take care of oneself instead of expecting everyone else in the country who pays taxes to support one for their entire life.

"It doesn't bother me to be laughed at. I've always been a social outcast, but i'd rather face the truth and be true to who i am--who God made me--than conform."

Well, outside of me being a social outcast yeah, well...we should screw all other countries and foreigners anyway! The U.S.A. is an island to itself and we SHOULD take the vast majority of the world's resources from the rest of the world.

What in the world does that have to do with Katrina? Are you insinuating that i am saying that? You sound like an idiot.

"We are vulnerable because welfare keeps people in poverty (which, btw, their poverty is positively rich compared to most of the world). I do not accept education, because public education doesn't work and i don't think there's a thing the federal government can do about it. Health coverage is not the responsibility of the government, but the empoyers, who often cannot afford to provide it because of frivolous lawsuits and high taxes and the raise of minimum wage (as in certain areas of CA)."

As I stated before, our country will DEFINITELY benefit from a large seperation between the wealthy and the poor. Get rid of the middle class! Send those jobs overseas. The poor will slowly, morally, disintegrate and only be in those God-forsaken city centers, and all us white folks will move out of town with taller and taller fences!

Which, as i stated before, is being caused by welfare, not helped by it. Pay attention and try to keep up. Stop insinuating that i am against the middle class (which my family and the majority of this country is a part of). Stop hating the rich because they've worked harder than you and made a success of themselves.

And health care? That should be in the power of the big pharmaceutical companies--the way its going now! Just look at all the great money they are making by ensuring everyone is on some type of medication that they never really needed! What a business plan! More power to em'. Maybe I should work for a major pharmaceutical company, hmm...

Well the government certainly isn't right about health care all of the time and they have no right to tell me what to do with my body! Didn't an FDA approved drug just get recalled recently...? And i'm totally against medicating people who don't need it (which is why i refuse to take meds for my "depression" that's supposedly incurable otherwise) and stop trying to insinuate things that aren't true.

"I feel safe because i know i have the Constitutional right to own a firearm and defend myself. I feel safe because i can think for myself. I feel safe because the military is taking down tyrants."

That's right! Taller fences and walls. Everyone's got guns! No one trusts anyone. Hell, I don't trust anyone now, that fits social outcasts like me just fine! That's the world I want to live in, I'm looking forward to that! Hell, and someone "learned" said I need to see a therapist and take care of myself, LOL!

Can you make any less sense? How am i supposed to respond to someone who won't even discuss something logically, reasonably, and on the topic? FYI, just because someone owns a gun and would rather be themselves than conform and/or follow their leader off a cliff doesn't mean they have a "me against the world" mentality (as you seem to) or are inherently dangerous.

"I voted for Bush; it was better than the alternative. Bush surrounds himself with people who are more experienced than him,"

Damn right. Kerry (like McCain) only volunteered and 'fought' in the Vietnam war, was top of his class, was behind many political endeavors, is an intellectual, and wanted to give power back to the middle class. Kerry didn't get a free ride to Yale like Bush, who did nothing in college except party it up in his fraternity, find jesus, and exploit all good conservative christians everyhere by becoming THEIR President! Man, this makes my heart swell up with American Pride!

I was unaware that Bush had a free ride, but that's something a lot of students have. Not me, but then i'm not living my ideals completely: i'm going to college partially because the federal government is paying for it and i don't want to take out a larger student loan. Besides, Bush's military record is not applicable here and was already dealt with on this blog months ago.

And what's wrong with the people who ole' GWB surrounds himself with? They're ex-oil & gas and weapons tycoons who have a worldwide business agenda, none of whom has ever served in active duty. Except for our God-given Rumsfeld, who taught flying lessons in the Air Force! Good for him! These wealthy types serve our country better by avoiding fighting themselves (via AWOL and rich Dad's) and make our other (less worthy) fellas do it for em'.

None of them served in the military? Why is that applicable to this topic? Are you only smart if you've served in the military? Are you only good at what you do if you've served in the military?

So Luinel, I totally 100% agree! That's why I voted for George Bush as my President in 2000 & 2005. It's just too hard to think about things too deeply doin' it any other way! Thanks for your response!

Chris in Corvallis, OR

You voted for Bush in 2005? That was a bit late, wasn't it? You haven't thought about things deeply, you're repeating the b.s. lies that lots of liberals do instead of being intellectually honest. Thanks for being so hateful towards your namesake, too, and obviously oblivious to what He taught.

still shining,
Kristine Senko

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