Wednesday, August 08, 2007

the budding entrepreneur

Well i've certainly had a weird week, between continuing to clean out Hanover House (my grandparents' place), kicking back, and expanding my activities on the internet to business. For the first time ever i've listed items on eBay. At DeviantArt i opened a shop to sell prints and other objects. What i couldn't create at DeviantArt i'm slowly creating at CafePress, where i hope to eventually branch out into t-shirts, bumper stickers, and greeting cards. Oh, and i uploaded some photos to Facebook, but that has nothing to do with money.

Tomorrow morning we should be leaving to return to Savannah, but now i've got to get ready to do so. Oh, but please feel free to visit my shops and purchase some merchandise. (:

prints at DeviantArt
Art Attack at CafePress

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