Friday, October 26, 2012

this will probably sound mean

I keep hearing this line from multiple sources that being against abortion must mean that those Republican men just want to control women's bodies.  Universal healthcare is this elevated ideal meant to be worshiped.  This kind of think (while they are entitled to it) is looking at the issue with blinders on.
  1. I am not stopping you from having sex.  But i can't afford to pay for your birth control and you can't make me.  It isn't only against my religion, it's against my common sense.  You can buy your own Pill, condoms, or keep your pants on.
  2. A baby is a baby is alive has a right to life and to kill it equals murder.  Period. Put that aside, and what Planned Parenthood won't tell you is that getting an abortion isn't harmless to the mother on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level.  Far from it.
  3. Universal healthcare does not work.  No one gets care in a timely manner.  To say that is like looking at our legal system and saying "This is working perfectly, just as intended."  No, because people are waiting years and cannot afford to defend themselves and it's all overrun.  Which is exactly what the healthcare system will be like.  Only then it will be playing with lives.  People will be denied care that they should have a right to.
  4. Death panels do exist in Obamacare.  This means that the panel will control your health decisions because you are too stupid to (in their mind) to make your own choices.  Furthermore, this can only mean that you will be pushed to have testing done while pregnant that you might not want to have and could be required to have an abortion if your child is going to unduly tax the system in their opinion.  Do you want the government telling you that you can't have your baby with Down's, Autism, etc.?
It sounds like science fiction; it begins next year.

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