Thursday, March 29, 2007


Tonight Nightline opened with the story Teens Rally Against an 'Un-Christian' Culture. i like Nightline because it's less one-sided than most news programs. The MCO i relieve stuck around for about ten minutes to watch the story, and at the end he said that the young woman being interviewed--Charlotte Rose Hamilton--was "so brainwashed" when she's talking about having hope and being important to God, if no one else.

That's brainwashed?

Also near the end of the story are the gay protestors, holding up signs, and a man on a blowhorn saying that these Christians are hateful. The reporter says that the Christians are under fire for being "anti-gay and anti-Pro-Choice"... The gay man--Giovanni Jackson of World Can't Wait--was talking about bigotry, though it was clear that he did not want to hear any opionion but his own. He was obviously guilty of the very thing that he was accusing the Christians of being. He said that being anti-gay was not compatable with Christianity.

He's not brainwashed?

i will allow that the MCO in question seems to be gay (though he does not profess to be so, that is the general consensus), but does he consider me to be bigoted, hateful, brainwashed? i said that it is possible to be against gay marriage without hating gays, did he even hear me? i don't hate him, i don't hate gay people, i just don't understand why they are so insistant that no one be allowed to espouse beliefs that are contrary to their own. Are they afraid of hearing the arguments, of having their opinion changed? If they honestly feel that way then why do they hide their beliefs, work so hard to silence others? Can their ideals not withstand a little testing?

These conferences are about giving up the sinful things in life, which is good, but to a certain extent it seemed like they were willing to give the entire entertainment industry to Satan and i'm not willing to do that. There are certainly movies and songs and tv shows out there with overwhelmingly vile elements; how then can you just choose to ignore them? It is my argument that the industry must be changed like any human being is, from the inside out. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Christians should stop consuming the trash, but that is only one step in the battle.

The idea that Christianity is not anit-homosexuality is completely false. The Law is clear that it is sinful for a man to lay with another man, or a woman to lay with another woman (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13). God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their prevalent homosexuality. In this situation a mob of men came to rape the angels who were staying in Lot's house, and the angels had to practically drag Lot and his family out of town so that they wouldn't also be destroyed (Genesis 19).

It's not P.C. to say that God will destroy a country for its sin but at the same time it's hard to believe that He hasn't already. If you read the Bible you can see His causing death and war because of immorality, why hasn't he here? i personally don't think that this country will last my lifetime without another Awakening and massive changes in the government. There are a lot of hard questions about what our country is doing in the world that i don't know how to answer anymore... Is it right for us to be in Iraq? i have no doubt that what we are doing there has ended the reign of a corrupt man presiding over his own holocaust, but should any country force their beliefs and ideals on another? We cannot save ever country in the world from the ills that consume them. Maybe this is yet another example of something that should be handled by much prayer and by sending in missionaries, not soldiers. But upon studying the history of this country one is overwhelmed by the stain of how the native americans and slaves were treated in our own past. It's hard to reconcile. i don't think i'm equipped to deal with it at present.

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