Thursday, September 30, 2004

elections approach, debates begin ~ NSU post #10

The first presidential debate is tonight in Florida (though some would argue it won't be a debate at all). In most states you only have a few days left to register to vote in time to vote in this election. Let me just say one thing about Kerry: i've been listening to the radio a lot lately and still don't know much about what his position is on the issues, mainly because he changes his mind so much. The interview with Diane Sawyer was, simply put, embarrassing. I am confident in not voting for him because:
1. he can't keep him position straight and/or make up his mind about what he believes(how then can he lead?)
2. he seems to intend to bow to the wishes of the UN and other countries instead of putting American interests first
3. he's intent on raising taxes but getting out of paying them himself
4. he doesn't seem to identify with the middle class on which this country is built

I might think of more soon, but suffice it to say that i have much more confidence in President Bush (current) and find him much more inspiring a speaker as well. I'm looking forward to seeing him kick some... ahem. Sorry, i'll keep it clean. Vote W!

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