Friday, January 19, 2007

i feel a rant coming on...

There are these Youth for Human Rights commercials that i see every night that are okay but i finally went to the website to see what they were...

Human Right #1 - We Are All Born Free & Equal

Okay, sure.

Human Right #2 - Don't Discriminate

That doesn't sound like a "right" but whatever

Human Right #3 - The Right to Life

Yes, i totally agree with Jefferson.

Human Right #4 - No Slavery

Again, not exactly a right, but i agree, everyone has the right to freedom.

Human Right #5 - No Torture

This is a narrow view of things. They need to word their ideas differently and i believe that torture is not specific enough. A few days ago several 14-year-old girls beat up on a 13-year-old, were pulling her hair, scratching her, tugging on her clothes, and the video ended up on YouTube. A person has the right to not be attacked, beaten up on, tortured, kidnapped, blown up by a stray bomb, etc.

Human Right #6 - You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go


Human Right #7 - We're All Equal Before the Law

whose law is being referred to here? This could be dangerous.

Human Right #8 - Your Human Rights Are Protected By Law

not always, but i agree that they should be

Human Right #9 - No Unfair Detainment

goes with my comments on #5

Human Right #10 - The Right to Trial

better stated in #11

Human Right #11 - We're Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty

though i'm not sure "till" is a proper spelling

Human Right #12 - The Right to Privacy

okay, i guess so. Our privacy is infringed upon every day when we go to the store, use an atm, are called by a telemarketer, but this is good in theory though not easily practiced. You have to allow certain privacies to be infringed upon unless you're willing to move into the wilderness and live like a hermit and even then anyone with a sattellite can spy on you. You forfeit this right if you break the law or disobey your parents, too.

Human Right #13 - Freedom to Move

sure, that's fine

Human Right #14 - The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live

This is definitely important within the constraints of law. i mean if the government wants you to live in a certain place because of your race or religion that's bad but if you're becoming a illegal immigrant just because you want to make more money or blow people up who believe differently than you do... not so good. Go through legal channels here unless/until the government becomes immoral.

Human Right #15 - Right to a Nationality

Yeah, but don't come to my country and try to change it's nationality to be like your own. It's okay to remember your heritage, but when you move to a new place you can't expect your new neighbors to stop being who they were. Does that make any sense? People can be changed by new influences, shouldn't discriminate against people who are different, but the new person should adopt their new nationality and language in public life, even if they have the old at home.

Human Right #16 - Marriage and Family

i'm not sure what to say about this. i do agree with it politically but morally... i don't think that gay marriage is truly marriage: i define that as between a man and a woman. They do have the right to have friends who are like family, can adopt i suppose, but they should understand that being gay isn't the only way (lest our species die out entirely).

Human Right #17 - The Right to Your Own Things

yeah, i guess

Human Right #18 - Freedom of Thought

This is such a "duh" that why even mention it? No one can make you think what they want to by force or law: you can always think whatever you want to.

Human Right #19 - Freedom of Expression

this is important

Human Right #20 - The Right to Public Assembly

also important

Human Right #21 - The Right to Democracy

No. Democracy is chaos, is not good, should be avoided.

Human Right #22 - Social Security

What, the state mandated retirement plan??? Definitely not! What the heck kind of right would that that be, the requirement to let the government steal your money, give it to other people, and leave you out cold??? Forget that!

Human Right #23 - Workers' Rights

this is way too vague

Human Right #24 - The Right to Play

Okay, sure, it's necessary to remain healthy, sane, etc.

Human Right #25 - Food and Shelter for All

No, this is not a right. You have the right to earn your food, build your shelter, live you life in the way you choose, but not to expect other people to pay for it because it's your right. What bothers me is when people are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet.

Human Right #26 - The Right to Education

definitely a right, for without an education one cannot know what to think.

Human Right #27 - Copyright

Does this include the right to re-patent drugs to make more money off the same thing slightly modified? The right to prosecute people who videotape things without selling or making money off them? This is a hot issue.

Human Right #28 - A Fair and Free World

Life isn't fair and very little is free because of a thing called sin.

Human Right #29 - Responsibility

You have the right to be responsible? You have the responsibility to be responsible but that isn't a right.

Human Right #30 - No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

Duh! Only people can, which is the entire reason for the list. Notice that they did not include the right to religion. This list sounds suspiciously misguided: good in theoy, but as if there are ulterior motives.

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