Sunday, January 28, 2007

re: i feel a rant coming on... Right #2

i believe that they meant to say that people have the right not to be discriminated againt but that isn't what it says. It says that people have the right not to discriminate, which is true, but we also do have the right to discriminate. I discriminate against the registered sex pedophile when i decide that i'm not going to date him but i am not going to discriminate against him by letting him live in the neighborhood, which is his right because he did his time, even if i don't necessarily agree with his choice in a neighborhood... because i don't want him as a neighbor.

i am so sick of hearing about Isaiah Washington from Grey's Anatomy using the (secondary) f-word and having to go to therapy to save his reputation when he only used it to say that he had never said it. For crying out loud, this is the United States of America, and he didn't say the word in the first place, but even if he had that's his right because he has freedom of speech. Grow up and get over yourselves, i'm not going to make some coworker go to therapy when they call me a prude or white or gringa or a Christian, especially when said things are true (even when said with derision in mind and heart). What is this country coming to?

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