Friday, August 29, 2008

convention time

Well i didn't watch as much of it as i intended to. i saw Hillary speak and that was it. She was very good, so good that it almost made me want to vote for her... had i not known that i totally disagree with her politics. What i saw and heard of Michelle Obama is irritating (she's such a liar and so transparent). i heard that the presidential and VP candidates were unimpressive.

Now McCain has finally chosen his VP running mate... and i am torn about whether to write in Ron Paul, vote for the Libertarian candidate (i don't really know anything about him), or simply choose the lesser of two evils. Anyway, i don't want to wax eloquent about the ins and outs of what's currently going on in politics, but i am paying more attention to it. Glenn Beck makes me laugh so hard, i know that the endorphins are helping. i'm not focusing on my problems so much as trying to get past them through finishing my degree. Who knows if that will actually work, but i'm not as depressed for the time being. That's something, at least.

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