Wednesday, November 07, 2007

searching for a new job

Sooooooooo... the boss cut my (and everyone else's, so she said) hours this week, didn't post the schedule on Friday so i had to call in for it over the weekend, then she's rude to me over the phone because i'm taking her away from her customers (i guess she is actually working on the floor this week, go figure), and i still don't know my entire schedule today, just that i'm supposed to come in at four. She told me she wanted to give me more hours, i said no, Megan's gotta work, she still gives me screwy hours and Megan can't work. So as soon as may be i'm getting a new job and saying goodbye to the two-faced woman. Am i actually on her bad side now? i don't know why i would be, i work my butt off for her and she's the one who's trying to revise the terms i was hired under. :rolls eyes:

So i've been looking on Craigslist but nothing legit seems to be forthcoming on the work at home market. i've applied one place and the rest seem to be scams. i don't really care to work in retail and last i checked the tv stations still weren't hiring so i'm hoping this one job pulls through for me (hello prospective employer if you're reading this!). Otherwise i don't know what i'm going to do for sure. i've considered sticking it out through Christmas break and quitting then, but i really don't want to stick it out that long. Of course i may have to: have to work, right? Got so many bills.

On another note i think i'm going to go to Mesa State online next semester, four courses r the minimum for full time, and internet courses are supposed to be super easy. i hope so cuz i need my gpa to come back up. Otherwise i will have to start paying off my student loans and i really don't have a way to do that short of enlisting. (: That's what Andrew wants me to do, but i'd still have to lose another 70-80 pounds. Gotta aim for something, but i don't know if this is the choice for me.

Creative juices have been flowing at the wrong times and are thus stifled and lost. Stress doesn't help. But i've been taking lots of photos of puppies! and wishing i had a better digital camera (like that's in the budget!). Gotta finish getting ready for work now. ): At least it's a short shift.

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