Tuesday, August 29, 2006

back to school

So i know i've been quiet here lately (though i can't imagine why...), but i've been putting most of my energy into my new DeviantArt account, work, and school. i had to drop a class because my plate was too full, but i think that it's going to be a pretty good semester. To top things off i might be getting a new job as a Production Assistant at KJCT. There won't be any tips, and it's only a $.10 raise, but i would have more hours and a lot less gas. Let's face it, all my tips go to gas, maybe some sodas or a burger, too, on a really good day. So i guess that's about it. Glenn Beck is back on KNZZ! i've moved in with my grandparents. There's been a delay in getting my car on the road. i generally feel like i have no life, but hey, what's new?

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