Despite this setback, i resumed training today in the form of swimming. It didn't occur to me until halfway through my warmup that it would be pretty bad if i got a cramp or intense pain while in the middle of a pool, but of course i'm a bit of a fish, and so buoyant right now that i probably couldn't drown if i tried. As it turned out, freestyle and breaststroke did not bother me at all, backstroke seemed to require too much kicking than is really advisable at the moment, and when i was doing the sidestroke with that leg on top, it was the most likely to get irritated.
i'm still not quite sure how to describe the injury. It was kind of like cramping with almost every step. Now it only bothers me when i try to stretch it or if i land with too much impact. Tomorrow i am going to tentatively try the elliptical trainer, but i don't think i'll be hitting the track for at least another week, and at this point in my recovery i definitely need to stretch it gradually, as my usual flexibility is lacking. After weighing in today, i tried to do the Sun Salute. Reaching up and back did not bother me at all, but when i went down to touch my toes, i couldn't reach as far as usual, and it didn't feel good. i'm thinking that i should stretch every day and maybe work on the Plank if that doesn't hurt too much. i doubt i could do Downward Facing Dog right now.
In more swimming news, i went to JCPenney and was slightly upset by the selection there. They aren't carrying the brand of swimsuit that i wanted to try on in Women's sizes here in town (i know that you can order them online), though at least they had some tankinis in that size, and i did in fact confirm that my top is size 22W. i imagine that even if i lose a lot of weight i will not go down below a 18W due to my bust size (if i even go below a 20W!). Their Misses do go up to size 16 (and appear to be the same as a 16W, astonishingly enough), but i wasn't going to try that on as i knew it wouldn't fit. Maybe next summer i can get some new bottoms there?
So i came home and ordered the top i wanted online. i didn't want to pay the shipping and handling, but oh well. Now the big question is whether my injury will keep me from being ready to be in a triathlon in mid-May. i definitely want to be in the Hustle again in mid-June, if nothing else.
In case you're curious:

It's on sale right now, big plus!
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