Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cto5k progress

i have been in a weird headspace lately and haven't really had anything that i could put into words. i haven't been able to remember my dreams lately, something which is extremely odd for me. And then in the past week i had two very weird dreams, one where i was five months pregnant and had absolutely no idea what was going on, then another where i was at KJCT seeing all the people i used to work with and feeling particularly amorous towards one cute former-co-worker that i was never particularly interested in as i recall (though i do remember that i always thought he is cute).

Hm, it seems i have digressed a bit. Well, sense the last time i posted, i have gained back seven of the nine pounds that i had lost. In other words, i've been kicking my butt for nothing, at least that's the way it seemed. Working out on the elliptical trainer seemed pleasant enough, and gave me time to focus on happy thoughts... and eventually not so happy ones. i was trying to run Tuesday Thursday Saturday this week for Week 5, but today i did not run. On Thursday i felt like going to the track and enjoying the lovely weather and failed miserably at running eight minutes straight. i just couldn't breathe: i think that it was a combination of how i had gotten used to the warm air in the gym, might be getting a cold (i certainly was coughing Thursday night), and how the evening workout just doesn't agree with me at all. So next week i am going to go back to running outside, possibly buy some warmer workout clothes with my house/petsitting check, and repeat week 5. i was doing fine on Day 1 on the elliptical, we'll just have to see how it goes on the track.

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