Contains Spoilers: you have been warned.
Yes, i went to a midnight viewing. I'm a night owl, and i had never done it for a Star Wars film before, so i felt that it was now or never. I wasn't overly excited to be getting in: in fact it was rather surreal that it's here already. What stunk was that i was in screen #3 and they made us wait like an hour to be seated after the first two screens because they were digital and we weren't. They were worried that screen three would try to sneak in, which was ludicrous because screens one and two were full and we liked the fact that we weren't and the sound stinks so much in every screen of this theater that it doesn't matter if you have digital or not. The manager is a jerk (i remember him from three years ago and he's still a jerk) who liked to yell that they were only taking tickets for screen 1 + 2 every ten minutes, then stand around looking cranky doing nothing. He could have been taking tickets at the doors instead and avoided the whole fiasco, because the people in the first two screens weren't about to stay seated in their auditorium: they freely went in and out even after they finally let us in. They should have been more worried that people would be sneaking into screen 3, it would have made more sense.
Back to the movie. Overall i thought it was good. Some of the voices were needlessly corny, notably one of the droids on Grievous' bridge who i felt should have had more authority in his voice. Palpatine eagerly watching Ani fight Dooku and then egging him into beheading him were overly obvious and corny: i mean, the fact that he orders Ani to leave Obi Wan is a big deal. The whole film you can tell that he doesn't care if he's discovered anymore and i don't understand why any of his overtures to Ani are accepted. Ironically enough, Padme didn't have any trouble in childbirth that warranted dark side intervention and Palpatine certainly didn't help her in the slightest.
Anakin seemed to be finally turning around and leaving behind the angry boy who was so full of himself. I guess what he really gave into was his fear of losing Padme, but then he went and nearly killed her. It didn't make any sense.
Yoda visiting Chewbacca (Chewbacca in particular) seemed needless to me. I really liked seeing the Wookies in battle, but felt like the Cloners were overly focused on in that battle. The battle could have happened anywhere: Chewbacca was hardly in it.
Yoda was awesome per usual. "Not if anything to say about it I have." I enjoyed some random guy's comment at one point during his duel with Sidious: "Yoda is a bad a$$." I'm not sure why Yoda retreated when he did, and it certainly didn't make any sense for him to turn on a homing beacon for two seconds, then jump into his escape speeder (ready and waiting) and forget to turn it off.
Obi-Wan was very agreeable to me. I've always loved Ewan's portrayal of him and he did especially well this time around. Less whining, more respect (towards Ani). His not wanting to believe that Ani would do something like that and not wanting to fight him was really nice to see after his attitude about Vader during conversations with Luke in the original trilogy.
My biggest beef with this movie if Padme. I feel that Lucas really did her and Natalie Portman a disservice. Padme was constantly whining and crying and often times there was no discernable reason why. Okay, i get that she wouldn't want to believe that Ani had turned, but after it happened... The Padme i know would never crumble and give up the will to live, especially when she's been "bless"ed with a pregnancy! Leia spoke of her memories of her mother in Return of the Jedi: she was "beautiful" and "very sad." So Leia has memories of her mother from moments after being born? All her mother said was "There's good in him, I know it" and gave up the ghost. That's not the Padme i know, who fights against unbeatable odds, who keeps fighting even when there is no hope and comes out the winner in the end. Yeah, i don't like what Lucas did to her.
I don't know how many stars to give this film. As a fan of action movies with fight scenes i liked it. As a fan of epics with true love... it fell short. It's hard to say whether it was as good or better than any of the films. Less annoying Jar Jar and C-3PO (why did they give C-3PO a memory wipe, anyway? he didn't seem to understand what was happening to Ani in the first place), more annoying Grievous (though he did fight well). Maybe i'll feel better about it next time around.
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