"You can not trust yourself, but you can trust some invisible friend who lives in the sky who's existence is completely theoretical?" Ironically enough, the name of his blog is based on a proverb.
Man, why would i trust myself? To me, God's existence isn't theoretical. Sure, i haven't seen Him face to face, but i've felt Him and seen what He's done around me. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Him. If we're all completely honest with ourselves (and informed, of course), Intelligent Design makes a whole lot more sense than Evolution. I've studied both, and i'm no expert, but it doesn't take an expert to see some really big holes in logic on the part of the Theory of Evolution.
Can i tangibly prove that God exists? No, not really, but can you prove that Evolution happened? No, which is why the theory is constantly being disproven and modified to make it still sound plausible (which it still doesn't, but whatever). And i'm a firm believer in Romans, the book of the Bible that teaches "For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God." (1:19-20) and "But if I am doing what I don't want to do, I am not really the one doing it; the sin within me is doing it. It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong." (7:20-21)
This weekend on the campout it occured to me that "the greatest of these is love." It's important that i have faith and hope, but it's most important that i love. If i love Him then the faith and hope comes. It's hard for me to understand that if He wouldn't have loved me first than i never could have loved Him because i love Him so much. If you don't love Him then you can't understand what it is to love Him, you can't understand the power of His gift, you can't understand your own fallen nature. But that's why i trust Him, not myself: He's given me everything.
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