Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cto5k W1D5

Well i stretched, ran, stretched, ate lunch, drank water, and am now ready to hit the shower and do some laundry. i really need to finish setting up my room, it's getting ridiculous stepping over boxes and living out of a suitcase. Of course, i desperately need more hangers...

The run was a challenge today. i ran the first interval at a comfortable speed and ran the rest at the slower speed. My heart rate was higher for longer and i had to really focus on breathing. i guess that it is indeed my oxygen deprivation / carbon dioxide overdose that is wearing me out and making me want to stop prematurely, because my muscles are definitely raring to go and full of energy, but the longer i run the more i feel the need to drag (even though at this moment i can't even tell that i took a run and want to do so again). Maybe i should be lifting weights on Tuesday and Thursday, i feel as if i'm not getting enough of a workout (even though my lungs definitely are, my muscles are not nearly tired). My aunt, however, says that she can tell that i'm getting thinner. i guess i'll take that as a complement.

i did get a stitch for the first time today, kind of in my diaphragm i think, right as i ended my third interval, and walked for over a minute with it, wondering what i was supposed to do. i paused the podcast, leaned down as if to touch my toes, but with my hands on my waist, and it stopped. Hmm, will read up on this development, as i don't think i'd had a stitch in my side in over a decade.

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