Friday, September 05, 2008

new blog name

i haven't changed it in a while, but it just came to me while i was driving around town today, shopping for a hub and 32 oz. Nalgene H2O bottle (one without an emergency poncho or first aid kit, please), and listening to talk radio. Yeah, i'm all interested in politics again, after a year long sabbatical. i even stopped by the Republican headquarters in hopes of snagging a few McCain Palin bumper stickers (they don't have any yet, but apparently they're being asked for A LOT). So they asked me if i wanted to volunteer, so i may get snagged into that. i mean, why not? i don't have a job and it could lead to something else, you never know. i keep thinking of Definitely, Maybe, though i don't anticipate selling expensive tickets for dinner with McCain, writing any speeches, or getting shocked when it comes out that my candidate has had an affair (rofl). In all actuality the only reason i really decided to vote for McCain was because of Palin, and though i am feeling better about him than i used to, i'm not all gung ho about it. If it was a campaign for Josh Penry or Condie Rice, now that would be another story....

Note: it turns out that there is another blog named FreeGeek but i can't even get it to load properly. i promise you that i thought it up in town, away from a computer, and am not trying to copy anything!

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