Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tri Training W3D2

i went to the gym after work and rode 6 miles, then lifted weights for my arms and shoulders. i'm trying to take it easy with the weights, but i know my arms are being neglected. i've gained 2 pounds, which is discouraging, but i'm sure it's muscle because my legs are definitely getting stronger. Give me a couple more weeks and my thighs and calves will be huge! As it is my waist and thighs have stayed the same, but i've gained like an 1 1/2" on my thighs. i expected a weight gain this week, i'm so hungry all the time, and am really working hard on this, but i was stupid this afternoon and got on the old scale... which told me that i had lost 5 pounds. i should have known better than to trust it. Overall, feeling good, looking forward to my swim and walk tomorrow, and hoping i can run 5k on Friday.

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