On Wednesday Katie and i went tubing on the Gunnison River. i didn't realize how high and fast it would be, found out after we got home that Aunt Polly had heard that it wasn't safe to swim in yet because they were letting more water out of a reservoir upstream. We hiked up the tracks about 2 miles, drifted in freezing cold currents about 3 miles, and then hiked back up the track 1 mile to our car. Finding a place to put in required a little hiking, and getting out required quite a bit of exertion, mostly because the mud under the gravel we were standing on kept sliding down the little embankment. It didn't help that we had both broken our flipflops (i could only find one of my generic Teva sandals ): ). In the end i could not find a foothold and had to pull myself up with my arms by holding onto a root. You wouldn't think it to look at me, but i am strong and flexible and despite my klutzy tendencies have pretty good balance. i did end up getting some tiny scrapes on my legs though, the largest one being on my ankle, but none of them serious. It was a miracle that i didn't step on any thorns or splinters though. After we got back to the canoe take out we soaked our legs for a while and rinsed off and joked around and talked about the Lost finale.
On Thursday i didn't have enough time for a full brick and a shower by the time i got outside: i rode 10 minutes (up a hill), ran 10 minutes, and biked back home in 6 minutes (down said hill). i really felt like i was running very slowly, but when i got home and added it to my training log i discovered that i was probably running about 4.5 mph, which is pretty fast for me. i guess my excruciating speed drills have paid off a little.
Today i actually rode up this huge hill that's up the road from our house (i'm not sure if it's called Whitewater Mesa or something else). i meant to ride 20 miles today, up that hill, and around behind it, coming back on Kannah Creek Rd and the highway. Unfortunately there was a headwind the entire way up, and it's really steep hill (steeper than i had realized), enough so that i could barely push my bike up the steepest .3 miles at 2.5 mph (i usually walk at 3.5 mph). Frankly just the thought of riding down that hill is a little bit scary.
i rode farther uphill than i ever have before and it quite wore me out, so once i got a ways on top i decided to turn around and come back home, hoping for a 15 mile round trip, but it turned out to be closer to 10 miles. i coasted most of the way home, breaking through all the steepest portions and not letting myself coast until i reached my usual turn around point. The gears were problematic today it seemed like, but maybe it was just because i spent so much of my time riding uphill. ETA: One thing i have learned since starting to train for this triathlon is that cyclists depend on their arms a lot more than one might expect. My arms have gotten a lot stronger, but i still can't imagine riding with those weird curved handlebars.
So my training schedule this week was eclectic. i didn't follow it exactly, partially because i couldn't really afford to go to the pool (i have enough money to go one more time before i get paid). Last weekend i ordered my shorts (the Bike Shop was out of stock so i ordered it through them and put half down) and found a swimsuit top on sale online. i might just end up returning the swimsuit top, i think i'll be fine swimming in my new running bra and Champion top that i bought last spring, way before i even decided to train for a triathlon. Hmm, i guess images are in order:

my new Moving Comfort Fiona bra <3
i swear, i have never wanted to show off a bra so much! i hardly bounce at all in this beauty, and it's super comfortable. i want to get it in "Ocean/Sky" but am a size too large: only white or black for me, apparently.

horrible cell camera pic of me before the Girls on the Run 5k in said turquoise singlette: it's from the C9 line at Target and, as it turns out, one of my cheapest training purchases (i guess my laces were cheaper).

speaking of which... my lock laces
The only other gear i'm considering is some bike gloves, but the ones at the Bike Shop (while really nice) cost upwards of $30. Man this is way so expensive. i don't know if i should just tough out my hands going to sleep and cramping or not. Eek i need to get myself over to JUCO.
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