Friday, October 14, 2005


what i'm knitting ~ PoA Scarf (1/3 of the way done now)
what i'm reading ~ The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein

I just passed these two sisters who i'm in chorus with and they're so nice and always smiling and always together. I don't know if they have classes together (besides chorus) but they apparently have classes at the same time. After saying hello and being complimented on my knitting (: we parted ways and i began to wonder if they ever get tired of being together. Do sisters usually get tired of being together when they hang out a lot? I don't remember ever being tired of my sister, but then she may feel differently.

This past Tuesday on the Amazing Race the Weaver family was really stressing out during a bus ride. It was kind of funny that they were complaining so much because everyone had to ride the bus and they were with three other teams. After eating at the Waffle House they decided to suck it up and stop complaining. The two sisters were dancing in the parking lot and everyone thought they had flipped out. It made me laugh because that's exactly what Megan and i would be doing the entire trip! If i could go on the Race with anyone i'd want it to be her but i don't think that's going to happen because she's a mom now. But people would think we were crazy because we act crazy like that all the time when we're together. For instance we went to Hanging Lake over Labor Day weekend with a friend of hers and had so much fun quoting Monty Python, speaking with phony accents, and generally being silly, that we totally embarrassed her friend (who is rather quiet and embarrasses easily in the first place). That's just the way we are. (:

But back to the Amazing Race: would the Paolo family be eliminated already? They complain and argue ALL THE TIME and it's driving me crazy. Every week, the team i'm rooting for gets kicked off, and still there they are whining. Ugh.

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