Monday, October 31, 2005

snowboard update

So i got new bindings this week (finally) only to get them home and realize once again that they were too narrow for my boots (i should have known better than to bring my board home again before making sure the boots fit but the woman said that large bindings should cut it no matter what and i didn't need to bring my boots back). So i take in my board, bindings, boots, etc., and this cute guy is helping me find some bindings that work. And then i notice some marcaroni on the floor. He takes the boot out of one binding and puts it into another. Macaroni is falling out of my boot! And of course he notices, so i have to explain that i have a mouse that is stashing food in random places that i can't seem to get rid of. And now i don't want to take my boots back into my room because he's found a way into the box before, he can do it again, and the last thing i need is my new laces to be chewed. So embarassing. He was really cute and understanding and acted like it was no big deal. Ugh i hate my life sometimes: everytime i'm attracted to someone something happens that makes me look like an idiot or they have to leave unexpectedly. But at least the binding problem is finally cleared up.

1 comment:

Brinna said...

Macaroni? Hilarious! At first I thought you meant cooked macaroni and cheese and I thought he was going to stick your boot in it! I would have laughed it up.. 'where in the world is that macaroni from? it wasn't there before...' 'oh my goodness, macaroni is coming out of my boot!!'