Yesterday Katie and i headed to Highline Lake for a training session. She floated in the swimming area while i swam in open water for the first time, about 576m in all, following the buoys and fighting the boat wakes. i breast stroked a lot more than usual, and rested more, partially because one length was about 72m long (i'm still not really used to swimming 50m straight). So the swim took longer than usual, but i felt really strong during the breaststroke, it kind of helped with the wakes because i could stroke when the water was high and breathe when it was low without too much effort.
Next, Katie and i ran and walked the Highline Lake Trail, partially on the East Bluff Loop, running about 15 minutes (not continuously!) and walking the rest. It was really hot at first and had really rough terrain (steep hills and very narrow path). The Highline Lake Trail proper was easier but by that time we were worn out and i had a blister. It got cool about 2/3 of the way through, there were great views, but i couldn't help but think it would have been more enjoyable (yet nerve racking) on a bike. It was my first time out with my tri shorts, which felt a little weird to run in at first. Using the online mapper at was difficult, it came up with 3.45 miles, but i think it was farther than that. I had a Razz Clif Gel between my swim and run as well.
Tonight, after work, i ran around 5k / 3.1 mi. i had a Strawberry Clif Gel, and my run went a lot better. My blister finally stopped hurting about 2/5 of my way through (it bothered me all day at work), in the middle of my second interval (i ran 30 minutes in all, 3 ten minute intervals). My walking intervals were pretty long, next time i'll run more and walk less, maybe get even farther.
i didn't feel good about my performance at Highline Lake, but feel really good about how i did tonight. i figure that the portion of the Highline Lake Trail that we skipped was way easier than what we were doing (it sure looked that way from across the little valley). i'm probably challenging myself more than i should be, which is discouraging in a way because i'm not making my mark, but encouraging because i am getting farther than i would have ever dreamed a year ago. i was starting to think that there was no way i would be able to finish this thing with any semblance of time, but the water should be less choppy on race day (no wakes to fight against), the climate will be much cooler (early morning instead of mid-afternoon), and i will have another week and a half of training under my belt. It's getting to the line here.
Incidentally, i got my tri shorts at about 2/3 of list price because the lady at the Bike Shop felt so bad about my delays in getting them. They fit great, a little looser than i expected actually. i adjusted my shoes tonight, too, because they were laced up one hole too high, which i think was the cause of my problems. Tomorrow i need to do laundry and will ride 20 miles on Mom's bike if it kills me... but i won't be riding up any big hills. i think i might go out the dirt road and see what it's like out that way because i've never been that far out it.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
i have no idea how much weight i've lost over the past month. i'm not going to the gym at Mesa State regularly anymore, with their super accurate super scale to pet my ego. Today i noticed that my kelly green fitted t-shirt--the one i got on March 15th for like $5 at Wal-Mart because i had absolutely nothing green to wear on the 17th--has somehow gotten looser since the last time i wore it (about 2-3 weeks ago). Either it got stretched out in the wash... or my arms and stomach have gotten thinner. It's just really weird to have my clothing fitting differently while the tape measure is fluctuating in the 44-46" range for my true waistline and holding steady. i mean, it's great that i'm losing the paunch, but is it too much to ask for my measurements to change? i have some goal clothes that i would really like to be able to fit into. But of course we only measure ourselves at the pre-ordained locations that make absolutely no sense for me. My waist and hips are always exactly the same as each other while my breasts, while not proportionately larger than my waist, are huge compared to anyone's definition of normal.
Shopping for a swimsuit has been murder for me because some retards seemed to have gotten together and assumed that the standard for swimsuits should be that if you are large on top you must have an even huger bum. Case in point, at Target i tried on numerous sizes, the results were that i fit in a 24W on top and 16W on bottom. The lunacy continues in the running clothes department, where my sizes range from 1X (as with my singlette) to needing an unavailable 2X (in the fitted tanks), while as far as bottoms 1X is too large while Large is still a little snug and all of the shorts were too short. If i try on a one piece swimsuit, the top is usually too tight while the bottom is way too big and the length is always too short or too long. My dimensions do not make any kind of sense when it comes to manufactured clothing.
Anyway, i was trying to fall to sleep, but my brain wouldn't shut up: sorry if this post was any kind of redundant.
Shopping for a swimsuit has been murder for me because some retards seemed to have gotten together and assumed that the standard for swimsuits should be that if you are large on top you must have an even huger bum. Case in point, at Target i tried on numerous sizes, the results were that i fit in a 24W on top and 16W on bottom. The lunacy continues in the running clothes department, where my sizes range from 1X (as with my singlette) to needing an unavailable 2X (in the fitted tanks), while as far as bottoms 1X is too large while Large is still a little snug and all of the shorts were too short. If i try on a one piece swimsuit, the top is usually too tight while the bottom is way too big and the length is always too short or too long. My dimensions do not make any kind of sense when it comes to manufactured clothing.
Anyway, i was trying to fall to sleep, but my brain wouldn't shut up: sorry if this post was any kind of redundant.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tri Training W9D2
In some ways, this workout was better than Sunday's; in some ways it was worse. i got to my usual turnaround point, and my heart started pounding in my chest. i think i might have been hyperventilating, which is a new experience for me. i had to sit down for a couple of minutes and thought that i was going to hurl. Once again, i only rode half as far as the workout called for, partially because of time constraints, partially because i didn't have the energy.
Right now i don't have as much energy as i'd like: i think my diet is the culprit. Unfortunately my training has kind of fallen by the wayside since finals, and i really need to focus over the next two weeks. i may get some Clif Bars or Gels to have right before a workout, because this is ridiculous, i really feel that i should be doing better than this at this point in my training, seeing how it wasn't really a problem in the weeks leading up to finals.
My hands' propensity to fall asleep is also worrisome, i think i'm just going to have to break down and buy some gloves.
Right now i don't have as much energy as i'd like: i think my diet is the culprit. Unfortunately my training has kind of fallen by the wayside since finals, and i really need to focus over the next two weeks. i may get some Clif Bars or Gels to have right before a workout, because this is ridiculous, i really feel that i should be doing better than this at this point in my training, seeing how it wasn't really a problem in the weeks leading up to finals.
My hands' propensity to fall asleep is also worrisome, i think i'm just going to have to break down and buy some gloves.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
State of the Triathlon Training - Week 8
This week i was constantly exhausted and i have no idea why. i tried to get up early to train several times, but was totally unmotivated, and always slept through my alarms. At this point i feel like my entire life is work, and i've only picked up one day so far. i don't think i can handle working any more, i don't know if i can handle working next semester, but i also can't afford to quit.
On Wednesday Katie and i went tubing on the Gunnison River. i didn't realize how high and fast it would be, found out after we got home that Aunt Polly had heard that it wasn't safe to swim in yet because they were letting more water out of a reservoir upstream. We hiked up the tracks about 2 miles, drifted in freezing cold currents about 3 miles, and then hiked back up the track 1 mile to our car. Finding a place to put in required a little hiking, and getting out required quite a bit of exertion, mostly because the mud under the gravel we were standing on kept sliding down the little embankment. It didn't help that we had both broken our flipflops (i could only find one of my generic Teva sandals ): ). In the end i could not find a foothold and had to pull myself up with my arms by holding onto a root. You wouldn't think it to look at me, but i am strong and flexible and despite my klutzy tendencies have pretty good balance. i did end up getting some tiny scrapes on my legs though, the largest one being on my ankle, but none of them serious. It was a miracle that i didn't step on any thorns or splinters though. After we got back to the canoe take out we soaked our legs for a while and rinsed off and joked around and talked about the Lost finale.
On Thursday i didn't have enough time for a full brick and a shower by the time i got outside: i rode 10 minutes (up a hill), ran 10 minutes, and biked back home in 6 minutes (down said hill). i really felt like i was running very slowly, but when i got home and added it to my training log i discovered that i was probably running about 4.5 mph, which is pretty fast for me. i guess my excruciating speed drills have paid off a little.
Today i actually rode up this huge hill that's up the road from our house (i'm not sure if it's called Whitewater Mesa or something else). i meant to ride 20 miles today, up that hill, and around behind it, coming back on Kannah Creek Rd and the highway. Unfortunately there was a headwind the entire way up, and it's really steep hill (steeper than i had realized), enough so that i could barely push my bike up the steepest .3 miles at 2.5 mph (i usually walk at 3.5 mph). Frankly just the thought of riding down that hill is a little bit scary.
i rode farther uphill than i ever have before and it quite wore me out, so once i got a ways on top i decided to turn around and come back home, hoping for a 15 mile round trip, but it turned out to be closer to 10 miles. i coasted most of the way home, breaking through all the steepest portions and not letting myself coast until i reached my usual turn around point. The gears were problematic today it seemed like, but maybe it was just because i spent so much of my time riding uphill. ETA: One thing i have learned since starting to train for this triathlon is that cyclists depend on their arms a lot more than one might expect. My arms have gotten a lot stronger, but i still can't imagine riding with those weird curved handlebars.
So my training schedule this week was eclectic. i didn't follow it exactly, partially because i couldn't really afford to go to the pool (i have enough money to go one more time before i get paid). Last weekend i ordered my shorts (the Bike Shop was out of stock so i ordered it through them and put half down) and found a swimsuit top on sale online. i might just end up returning the swimsuit top, i think i'll be fine swimming in my new running bra and Champion top that i bought last spring, way before i even decided to train for a triathlon. Hmm, i guess images are in order:

my new Moving Comfort Fiona bra <3
i swear, i have never wanted to show off a bra so much! i hardly bounce at all in this beauty, and it's super comfortable. i want to get it in "Ocean/Sky" but am a size too large: only white or black for me, apparently.

horrible cell camera pic of me before the Girls on the Run 5k in said turquoise singlette: it's from the C9 line at Target and, as it turns out, one of my cheapest training purchases (i guess my laces were cheaper).

speaking of which... my lock laces
The only other gear i'm considering is some bike gloves, but the ones at the Bike Shop (while really nice) cost upwards of $30. Man this is way so expensive. i don't know if i should just tough out my hands going to sleep and cramping or not. Eek i need to get myself over to JUCO.
On Wednesday Katie and i went tubing on the Gunnison River. i didn't realize how high and fast it would be, found out after we got home that Aunt Polly had heard that it wasn't safe to swim in yet because they were letting more water out of a reservoir upstream. We hiked up the tracks about 2 miles, drifted in freezing cold currents about 3 miles, and then hiked back up the track 1 mile to our car. Finding a place to put in required a little hiking, and getting out required quite a bit of exertion, mostly because the mud under the gravel we were standing on kept sliding down the little embankment. It didn't help that we had both broken our flipflops (i could only find one of my generic Teva sandals ): ). In the end i could not find a foothold and had to pull myself up with my arms by holding onto a root. You wouldn't think it to look at me, but i am strong and flexible and despite my klutzy tendencies have pretty good balance. i did end up getting some tiny scrapes on my legs though, the largest one being on my ankle, but none of them serious. It was a miracle that i didn't step on any thorns or splinters though. After we got back to the canoe take out we soaked our legs for a while and rinsed off and joked around and talked about the Lost finale.
On Thursday i didn't have enough time for a full brick and a shower by the time i got outside: i rode 10 minutes (up a hill), ran 10 minutes, and biked back home in 6 minutes (down said hill). i really felt like i was running very slowly, but when i got home and added it to my training log i discovered that i was probably running about 4.5 mph, which is pretty fast for me. i guess my excruciating speed drills have paid off a little.
Today i actually rode up this huge hill that's up the road from our house (i'm not sure if it's called Whitewater Mesa or something else). i meant to ride 20 miles today, up that hill, and around behind it, coming back on Kannah Creek Rd and the highway. Unfortunately there was a headwind the entire way up, and it's really steep hill (steeper than i had realized), enough so that i could barely push my bike up the steepest .3 miles at 2.5 mph (i usually walk at 3.5 mph). Frankly just the thought of riding down that hill is a little bit scary.
i rode farther uphill than i ever have before and it quite wore me out, so once i got a ways on top i decided to turn around and come back home, hoping for a 15 mile round trip, but it turned out to be closer to 10 miles. i coasted most of the way home, breaking through all the steepest portions and not letting myself coast until i reached my usual turn around point. The gears were problematic today it seemed like, but maybe it was just because i spent so much of my time riding uphill. ETA: One thing i have learned since starting to train for this triathlon is that cyclists depend on their arms a lot more than one might expect. My arms have gotten a lot stronger, but i still can't imagine riding with those weird curved handlebars.
So my training schedule this week was eclectic. i didn't follow it exactly, partially because i couldn't really afford to go to the pool (i have enough money to go one more time before i get paid). Last weekend i ordered my shorts (the Bike Shop was out of stock so i ordered it through them and put half down) and found a swimsuit top on sale online. i might just end up returning the swimsuit top, i think i'll be fine swimming in my new running bra and Champion top that i bought last spring, way before i even decided to train for a triathlon. Hmm, i guess images are in order:

my new Moving Comfort Fiona bra <3
i swear, i have never wanted to show off a bra so much! i hardly bounce at all in this beauty, and it's super comfortable. i want to get it in "Ocean/Sky" but am a size too large: only white or black for me, apparently.

horrible cell camera pic of me before the Girls on the Run 5k in said turquoise singlette: it's from the C9 line at Target and, as it turns out, one of my cheapest training purchases (i guess my laces were cheaper).

speaking of which... my lock laces
The only other gear i'm considering is some bike gloves, but the ones at the Bike Shop (while really nice) cost upwards of $30. Man this is way so expensive. i don't know if i should just tough out my hands going to sleep and cramping or not. Eek i need to get myself over to JUCO.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
TriNewb W7D6
i guess today was a 2/3 tri, i swam the full 500m and rode 2/3 of my race distance. i've improved my pace again this week, too. i mean to turn around early, but i made it to the original turn around point not quite as winded (though it's still quite a climb, it doesn't look quite so high anymore! By race day, i may not even think it's a significant hill, who knows). ETA: It's been another week, it's still a significant hill. ):
Saturday, May 16, 2009
TriNewb W7D5
i got off work late, didn't want to run at the track (Mesa State was having a baseball game or something), partially because i felt really unenergetic after standing on my feet for 9 hours. i had a Clif Gel (Mocha), grabbed my cellphone, and realized that i didn't have a suitable podcast on it. i programmed 3 alarms during my workout and new ones as the old ones went off. i had a 5 min. warmup, 10 min. run, 3 min. walk, 5 min. run, 2 min. walk, 10 min. run, 7 min. cd (the schedule called for a 45 min. run., this was only 41 mins., but i was tired, and did really well for all my energy being on the gel shot). Those little things taste kinda funny but they really work.
Friday, May 15, 2009
So first off, a big wow, but i have swam, rode, and ran 48.13 miles so far this month. In other news, the Highline Hustle Sprint Triathlon is in just over four weeks, and my training kind of fell by the wayside during the pressure of finals, but school is over for the semester! i haven't gotten to relax like i did today in a good six months it seems like.
TriNewb W7D3
My first brick outside the gym: Katie and i took a leisurely ride, then ran a bit. Ran two five minute intervals, walked the rest. Katie runs a little bit faster than me, i ride quite a bit faster than her (partially because she doesn't have as good of a bike).
ETA: According to my training plan, a Brick equals a 30 min. ride, 10 min. run, and 20 minute walk.
ETA: According to my training plan, a Brick equals a 30 min. ride, 10 min. run, and 20 minute walk.
Monday, May 11, 2009
so irritating
Was looking for a forum or blog about being a virgin... there is WAY too much out there that screams that there's something wrong with someone if they're a virgin at my age, that you must be ugly, stink, or brainwashed by a repressive religion. i am so tired of being single, but have no prospects, never have had any prospects except for the once (and we all know how that turned out). i am a virgin by choice, and it doesn't mean that i have no sex drive! i am very frustrated and really, really want to meet the right guy and get married already!!! But i am also committed to making sure that i find the man that God wants me to marry and remaining pure until we are married. I WANT A MALE VIRGIN THAT DOESN'T HAVE MORE BAGGAGE THAN I DO. i'm sick of the warped mindset that pervades our culture. Casual or premarital sex of any kind is not good, sex is sacred.
The more i think about Brad, the more i want him... Why? Because i am so desperate to not be alone and he is the ONLY guy who has EVER shown the slightest interest in me. Okay, there was one guy who was nice to me last semester, but as it turned out he has a baby with his girlfriend. The problem is that i'm sure that Brad isn't right for me but i still love him anyway and i am way too desperate, no matter how hard i try to be patient, it just doesn't work. So basically, i'm either feeling like there's no hope at all, why even bother looking, or feel hopeful but so impatient that i am borderline desperate. Is it too much to ask for to find a guy who loves God and me enough to wait?
The more i think about Brad, the more i want him... Why? Because i am so desperate to not be alone and he is the ONLY guy who has EVER shown the slightest interest in me. Okay, there was one guy who was nice to me last semester, but as it turned out he has a baby with his girlfriend. The problem is that i'm sure that Brad isn't right for me but i still love him anyway and i am way too desperate, no matter how hard i try to be patient, it just doesn't work. So basically, i'm either feeling like there's no hope at all, why even bother looking, or feel hopeful but so impatient that i am borderline desperate. Is it too much to ask for to find a guy who loves God and me enough to wait?
Friday, May 08, 2009
i survived the last week of classes!!!
/gasp It's so shocking, i never thought i'd get here, i even turned in my U.S. Lit paper on time (albeit barely six pages instead of a full six pages long). It was funny, i had just gotten to my desk in Brit Lit this morning when a wave of nostalgia ran over me: i'm going to miss the girl's corner we had going on and Brian, who sometimes kind of reminded me of Brad. i will not miss Brit Romanticism (though i enjoyed some of the girls in there, too), and actually came to like Hancock (despite the Obama groupieness). And of course i will miss Professor Christ (pronounced krihsst, not how you would think) even if Creative Writing was very easy, she's so funny and nice. Now i have to finish writing a 7-8 page paper and rewrite the 8 page Monk fiasco before finals on Wednesday and also have one final on Thursday.
Oh, i am also halfway through my triathlon training now! i totally ditched yesterday, i think i was overtired cuz of the race and speed drills, plus i didn't have time to work, finish papers, and exercise, so i had to make a sacrifice and had a half triathlon today. If i maintain the speed i did today, theoretically i can finish the full sprint triathlon in under three hours, however i am hoping to improve my time. It breaks down as follows:
8 min 250m swim (~16 min 500m swim, i hope to bring this down to 12min)
30 min 4 mi. ride (~2 hour 16 mi ride, i hope to bring this down a lot! the stationary bike was wonky, based on my ride last Sunday i should be able to ride 16 mi. in 1 hr. 49 mins. at my current speed, i don't know how much i'll be able to chisel that down over the next few weeks)
10 min .8 mi. run (~40 min. 3.2 mi. run, i'd like to get this down to half an hour)
i have my work cut out for me!
Oh, i am also halfway through my triathlon training now! i totally ditched yesterday, i think i was overtired cuz of the race and speed drills, plus i didn't have time to work, finish papers, and exercise, so i had to make a sacrifice and had a half triathlon today. If i maintain the speed i did today, theoretically i can finish the full sprint triathlon in under three hours, however i am hoping to improve my time. It breaks down as follows:
8 min 250m swim (~16 min 500m swim, i hope to bring this down to 12min)
30 min 4 mi. ride (~2 hour 16 mi ride, i hope to bring this down a lot! the stationary bike was wonky, based on my ride last Sunday i should be able to ride 16 mi. in 1 hr. 49 mins. at my current speed, i don't know how much i'll be able to chisel that down over the next few weeks)
10 min .8 mi. run (~40 min. 3.2 mi. run, i'd like to get this down to half an hour)
i have my work cut out for me!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
TriNewb W6D1 + 2
Yesterday i ran speed drills for 20 mins. with 5 mins. of warm up and cool down (for a total of 30 mins.). i really feel as if my training is causing my running to suffer. i am not saying that my running was ever easy, but it seems harder than ever. My bicycle riding is progressing nicely, and my swimming is going very well. Today i swam 64m sets, and another person complimented me on my form (she asked if i've always been able to swim "like that" and said she wished that she could swim like me). i had a little trouble with my breathing (i wasn't getting out of breath, but about halfway through my workout i stopped breathing out underwater), but overall the workout went well. The water tasted nasty today and i got a bit overheated so i didn't get in the hot tub after my workout.
In other news, my elastic shoelaces got here the day before my bra did. Part of the trouble with my run on Tuesday was that my laces were too tight and i was still worn out from my ride on Sunday. i wore my new bra today, haven't ran in it yet, but i can honestly say it's the best sports bra i have ever had. It's very comfortable and supportive.
School has been going as well as can be hoped: i have 3 poems to workshop for one class, a 2 page paper to write, and a 6 page paper to finish for Friday. For tomorrow all i need to do is read some of the 9/11 poems to discuss in class tomorrow. i have a feeling that it's going to be another long night.
In other news, my elastic shoelaces got here the day before my bra did. Part of the trouble with my run on Tuesday was that my laces were too tight and i was still worn out from my ride on Sunday. i wore my new bra today, haven't ran in it yet, but i can honestly say it's the best sports bra i have ever had. It's very comfortable and supportive.
School has been going as well as can be hoped: i have 3 poems to workshop for one class, a 2 page paper to write, and a 6 page paper to finish for Friday. For tomorrow all i need to do is read some of the 9/11 poems to discuss in class tomorrow. i have a feeling that it's going to be another long night.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Girls on the Run 5k and TriNewb W5D5+6

So yesterday Katie and i ran the Girls on the Run 5k and it wasn't the most pleasant experience. The weather was overcast, pleasantly cool, a little breezy (i was comfortable, Katie was cold until about 1/3 of the way through the run when she took off her hoodie. i made the mistake of leaving my cellphone with Mom, so i didn't have any concept of time or real concept of distance throughout the run. i haven't walked so much in a long time. My second wind didn't kick in until the last half mile of the run at the earliest. We ran most of the way, but the concrete and asphalt really bothered her arches, the hills really bothered my lungs. (: Both of us hadn't gotten enough rest the day before.
So i've been thinking about it, and i think most of my problems were psychological. Trying to run while surrounded by people is not at all conducive to being able to relax and focus on breathing. It was a challenge to run with people because they might cut me off, might be running too slowly in front of me, i was wondering if i was running too fast when i was passing them, etc. Plus i'm not used to running with a partner, and i felt like i was holding Katie back, but at the same time i didn't feel as if i could run any faster. i think a big part of my problem was that most Saturdays i stand on my feet all day and don't exercise at all, i wasn't familiar with the course and couldn't really let myself know where the halfway point was, and it was probably largely psychological. Somehow my body knows that when my mind says halfway done that it can let go of some more energy and the adrenaline kicks in. So it was a pretty miserable run, but i'm hoping that i'll feel as good (hopefully even better) during the Triathlon (which means after swimming and biking).
The beginning of the race consisted in standing in the middle of a crowd, chatting with a friend of my mother's, and then trying not to run over others or be run over after the race started. We walked a lot at the beginning waiting for the ranks to thin out so we could actually run. The last few hundred feet of the "race" consisted in standing in line so they could record what order we passed the finish line in and our "time" (which is going to be at least five minutes after when we stopped running because we had to just stand there so long). Then it took us another ten-fifteen minutes to find our parents, aunt, and sisters. So i think we finished the run in about 35 minutes, which isn't bad, but it certainly felt like forever, and it felt like it was all uphill. As i said, conditions alternated between asphalt parking lot/street and sidewalks with uneven grass or dirt on the shoulder. i tried to stay off the concrete as much as possible, but for the last half mile or so i didn't want to risk turning an ankle in the grass. i hate running on concrete, but at least it's even, and it was a lot less taxing than last time i had tried it (i don't know that i've lost weight, but i know that i've lost fat and gained muscle).
Today i rode my bike about 12 miles. The odd thing is that my biking has improved a lot but i think it's still my weakest event. i'm starting to get used to shifting but still look to make sure i turned it the right way. My arms didn't get tired today, even though i leaned on them more, but my hands did halfway through (luckily no cramps this time though). The reason i'm wondering about how psychological my second wind is: exactly halfway through my bike ride i got my second wind.
i'm almost halfway through my triathlon training now, and have come so far, but i can see that i still have a long way to go if yesterday was any indicator. Last year, there were less than 600 girls at the Girls on the Run 5k; this year, they said 1200 registered. All i can say is, wow.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Tri Training W5D4
So today i watched Katie's relay team win both of their heats! One was an all girl relay (she ran third, catching up with the other runners, while the first and second girls had been in last) and won first place overall, the other had two boys and two girls and won second place overall. It was exciting, and my face got a bit sunburned.
Today my swim was increased to 400m; i expected it to take me half an hour but it only took me about twenty minutes. My heartrate got a little bit higher, spiking at 150 bpm two or three times, but still spent most of its time in the 132 bpm range. i bought a swim towel which is weird: it doesn't feel like a normal towel, but it's supposed to absorb a lot of water quickly.
On Thursday i got some Clif bars on sale at City Market and tried them. No adverse digestion affects that i could tell! i actually enjoyed them despite the soy. i wanted to get ready for race day tomorrow and also make sure that they didn't make me sick so come Triathlon day if i eat them i'm not puking off the side of my (Mom's) bike / the trail.
Today i also bought the supplies for a race belt: total cost came in under $4. The only one i could find in town was something like $12 while most online are $10-15. i realized once i got to Hi Fashion Fabric that i could have (should have?) made my own elastic laces and worn them tomorrow, but they're already paid for (and finally on their way) so not much point now. So much for two day shipping, however, seeing how the bra is scheduled to arrive on the 5th and the laces the 6th-11th. To be perfectly honest, the laces weren't two day shipping, but i don't understand why it took the bra over twenty-four hours to leave the warehouse (it shipped about an hour ago). i ordered it on Thursday morning for crying out loud, it should be getting here tomorrow!
Lastly, i went shopping for shorts (mine are old and a little loose and worn out) and discovered that the current trend for athletic shorts leaves them... way too short. i don't want to buy shorts that are shorter than my fingertips when my arms are at my side. i don't want to buy shorts that are so baggy that i feel like my bum is hanging out. And i don't want to buy shorts that are so see through that my pantyline is blatantly obvious. Those shorts made me feel half naked. It also seems that my size is somewhere between a L and XL at Target and a perfect XL at JCPenney. The shorts were on sale, but i decided that i don't want any shorts that are in my current size, tyvm, i want shorts in size L. It's going to be soooo weird not having to hunt for XLs as much (though to be perfectly honest i'll probably always be looking for XL or XXL tops because of my bust size).
Anyway, training is coming along well, i'm looking forward to the race in the morning, and then i have a paper to write.
Today my swim was increased to 400m; i expected it to take me half an hour but it only took me about twenty minutes. My heartrate got a little bit higher, spiking at 150 bpm two or three times, but still spent most of its time in the 132 bpm range. i bought a swim towel which is weird: it doesn't feel like a normal towel, but it's supposed to absorb a lot of water quickly.
On Thursday i got some Clif bars on sale at City Market and tried them. No adverse digestion affects that i could tell! i actually enjoyed them despite the soy. i wanted to get ready for race day tomorrow and also make sure that they didn't make me sick so come Triathlon day if i eat them i'm not puking off the side of my (Mom's) bike / the trail.
Today i also bought the supplies for a race belt: total cost came in under $4. The only one i could find in town was something like $12 while most online are $10-15. i realized once i got to Hi Fashion Fabric that i could have (should have?) made my own elastic laces and worn them tomorrow, but they're already paid for (and finally on their way) so not much point now. So much for two day shipping, however, seeing how the bra is scheduled to arrive on the 5th and the laces the 6th-11th. To be perfectly honest, the laces weren't two day shipping, but i don't understand why it took the bra over twenty-four hours to leave the warehouse (it shipped about an hour ago). i ordered it on Thursday morning for crying out loud, it should be getting here tomorrow!
Lastly, i went shopping for shorts (mine are old and a little loose and worn out) and discovered that the current trend for athletic shorts leaves them... way too short. i don't want to buy shorts that are shorter than my fingertips when my arms are at my side. i don't want to buy shorts that are so baggy that i feel like my bum is hanging out. And i don't want to buy shorts that are so see through that my pantyline is blatantly obvious. Those shorts made me feel half naked. It also seems that my size is somewhere between a L and XL at Target and a perfect XL at JCPenney. The shorts were on sale, but i decided that i don't want any shorts that are in my current size, tyvm, i want shorts in size L. It's going to be soooo weird not having to hunt for XLs as much (though to be perfectly honest i'll probably always be looking for XL or XXL tops because of my bust size).
Anyway, training is coming along well, i'm looking forward to the race in the morning, and then i have a paper to write.
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