Saturday, November 19, 2005

GoF review













Imho, Goblet of Fire is the best Harry Potter movie that has been made to date. It's very enjoyable and a lot funnier than the past three, but it still has its failings. The first half of the film felt like it was in fast forward. Key details were modified, some for no apparent reason.

Gambon still did not deliver as Dumbledore (i know he can do better than this). And what on earth happened to his spectacles?

The scene in the graveyard was not as scary as i imagined. At first there was a lot of dead time in which key dialogue was omitted. Then the Priori Incantatum was fast forwarded again, the part which is the most important of the film!

Alan Rickman delivers but is used mostly for comic relief. There is only a slight passing reference to his Death Eater status, and Voldemort does not announce that he is going to kill him.

Lucious Malfoy is way too proud and presumptive in the presence of Lord Voldemort.

The makeup for Voldemort is incredible: all they forgot to include was the red eyes. However, Ralph Fiennes portrayal fell a bit short. He was far more menacing in Schindler's List.

The twins and Ginny were used more often to good effect. Percy and Mrs. Weasley are completely left out... which did give Hermione a very funny job (she acts very much in a Mrs. W manner when trying to wake Ron). Charlie is mentioned but not portrayed. I won't even go into Flitwick (i don't really like the changes to him that they've made in the past two films), but i will say that the development of Neville was better than in the past. Dennis Creevey was a welcome addition. Nagini thankfully looked more menacing than the basilisk. Fawkes makes a small appearance. Moaning Myrtle was a bit too much, but overall the humor flowed a lot better. Several scenes were a joy to see because i care for these characters so much. Dame Maggie Smith, for instance, had a small but meaningful part.

Several cast changes were disturbing. Angelina Johnson for instance: what happened to Danielle Taylor/Tabor? Why did they make both the Patil twins Gryffindors? One is supposed to be a Ravenclaw! Why did they have to make Fleur look so incapable (she is a Champion, after all, she should know how to defend herself)? Why did they have to leave out Snuffles, Pig, Dobby, Winky, the Sphinx, and Rita Skeeter's end? Four out of six of those characters are very important to the plots of future books.

Lastly, why cut out the gift of the galleons to the twins? I think that with every film so far it has been the very ending that has failed the most to deliver. Overall, GoF is better but it still has room for improvement. TPTB were able to fit a lot into 2 1/2 hours, but they still just couldn't do the book justice... But as that's almost absolutely impossible i wasn't expecting them too, anyway.

Would i recommend? Yes. Will i go see it in the theater again? If i can. Will i buy the DVD? I can hardly wait for the deleted scenes! I look forward to dissecting the film in greater detail. All in all, it was a cold and sometimes stressful wait for tickets but a worthy way to spend the night of year six, month eleven, day seven, of my own little journey.

1 comment:

Wilma Fingerdu said...

seen it, loved it, going to see it 10 time more...LOL

Even to things were cut ou ti STILL loved the movie...I'm wondering what they are going to do in the next cant cute alot of stuff out of the next one you know...